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Professor of Sociology
CSU, San Marcos, San Marcos, California, USA
Telephone: (760) 750-4178

I joined the Sociology department as an Assistant Professor in the Spring of 2003. Prior to joining the faculty at CSUSM, I attended the University of Oregon (Department of Sociology), where, while finishing my Ph.D., I taught courses in the Sociology of Families and Families in Poverty and worked as a researcher at the Center for the Study of Women in Society, studying the effects of welfare reform on family well-being. At CSUSM, I teach courses in the area of families (i.e., Families and Intimate Relationships, Community and Families, Poverty and Families) but also in inequality, critical perspectives on human service delivery, and qualitative research methods. My current research focuses on the experiences of families who have timed out of welfare, balancing low-wage work and family, and gender and economic transition in Iceland.

My most recent work includes:

Weigt, Jill. (forthcoming October 2010) “‘I feel like it’s a heavier burden’: The Gendered Contours of Heterosexual Partnering after Welfare Reform,” Gender & Society

Morgen, Sandra, Joan Acker, and Jill Weigt (2010). Stretched Thin: Poor Families, Welfare Work, and Welfare “Reform”, Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press.

Weigt, Jill and Catherine Richards Solomon (2008). “Work/family Management among Low-wage Service Workers and Assistant Professors in the United States: A Comparative Intersectional Analysis,” Gender, Work, and Organization, 15, 6:621-649.

Weigt, Jill (2006). “Compromises to Carework: The Social Organization of Mothers’ Experiences in the Low-wage Labor Market after Welfare Reform,” Social Problems, 53, 3: 332-351.

Morgen, Sandra, Joan Acker, Jill Weigt, and Lisa Gonzales (2006). “Living Economic Restructuring at the Bottom: Welfare Restructuring and Low-Wage Work,” in Keith Kilty and Elizabeth Segal (eds), The Promise of Welfare Reform: Rhetoric or Reality? Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. pp. 81-94