Sociology Honor Society
Alpha Kappa Delta
We are pleased that the Department of Sociology at CSUSM is a charter member of Alpha
Kappa Delta: The International Sociology Honor Society. Alpha, Kappa, and Delta are
the first letters in the Greek words Anthropon, Katamanthenein, and Diakonesein which
translates in English to: "To investigate humanity for the purpose of service." The
Society was founded in 1920 by University of Southern California sociologist Emory
Bogardus to encourage the scientific study of society as a tool for social progress.
To learn more about the history and scope of AKD, please visit the AKD international website.
The official name of our local chapter is ALPHA DELTA OF CALIFORNIA. We encourage
our students to pursue membership in this prestigious society. Eligibility for membership
is determined by the following criteria:
Undergraduate Students:
- Officially declared sociology major or demonstrate serious interest in sociology within an official program of the host institution.
- Must be at least a junior (third year) by standards of the host institution.
- Must have accumulated the equivalent of an overall grade point average of 3.0 by a four point scale where A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.
- Must have maintained the equivalent of a 3.0 grade point average in sociology courses taken at the host institution prior to initiation.
- Must have completed at least four (4) regular courses in sociology prior to initiation (exclusive of extension of courses graded pass/fail).
Graduate Students:
For students classified as graduate students (those officially admitted to graduate study in sociology at the host institution), the following specific requirements must have been met prior to the time of initiation: completion of one half year of graduate study in sociology
(i.e., one semester or two quarters or the equivalent academic unit) with a graduate
grade point average of B (3.0, on a four point scale) or better, and continued matriculation
in a program of study leading toward a graduate degree in sociology at the host institution.
If you meet the above qualifications and are a registered Sociology major or MASP
graduate student at CSUSM, you can become a lifetime member of AKD: ALPHA DELTA OF
CALIFORNIA. Each Spring, the above criteria are accessed for Sociology majors and
those who qualify are invited to join our AKD Honor Society Chapter. Initiations are
held each May for new members. If you need further information, you may contact Dr. Alicia Gonzales who is the faculty advisor for AKD.