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College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Internship Expectations

What does a Bridges intern do?


An intern will:

  • attend a two-week hands-on techniques course at the beginning of the internship
  • work in the host lab on a full time basis; a minimum of 40 hours/week, including some weekends and evenings
  • attend scientific seminars at least twice a semester
  • attend lab meetings
  • attend the Stem Cell Intenship class weekly via Zoom (Biotech 498)
  • complete all assignments on a timely basis
  • NOT enroll in any other course other than a Regulatory Affairs course
  • fully participate in Patient Advocacy, Community Outreach and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion events as determined by the program
  • share their research in various venues, including oral and poster presentations
  • develop future plans and discuss with mentors

What are the benefits of the Bridges program?

  • a monthly stipend of $3000
  • tuition and fees covered up to $8000
  • in depth development of research skills, specifically related to regenerative medicine
  • 12 units of upper division credit at CSU San Marcos
  • present at scientific meetings
  • letters of recommendations from mentors
  • career goal guidance