Degree Programs
Biotechnology Degree Programs at CSUSM
Biotechnology refers to the application our knowledge of the molecular and cellular life processes for the benefit of society. The Biotechnology curriculum is comprised of courses selected from Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and the College of Business Administration. The core curricula will provide students with a solid foundation in molecular biology, immunology and biochemistry. It will introduce them to the applied technologies in these fields such as molecular genetics/recombinant DNA technology, immunology/cell culture-hybridoma technology, biochemistry/protein purification methods, DNA sequencing and computational biology.
Additional core sequence courses will introduce students to major issues related to management, marketing, accounting and product development. The curriculum is meant to provide graduates with the knowledge and training needed to earn and succeed in entry-level positions and beyond -- not only in research and development, but also in areas such as technical services, regulatory affairs, technical writing, quality assurance/control, data management, marketing, management, operations, and public policy.