Lobby Hours
Monday - Thursday:
8:00 am - 4:30 pm Friday:
8:00am - 1:00 pm (760) 750-7500
Programs & Resources
University Police Programs
- Community Services Officers (CSOs)
- P.A.C.E. - Policing & Active Community Engagement
- Personal Safety Workshop
- Ride Alongs
Resources & Services
Community Services Officers (CSOs) are non-sworn student personnel of the University Police Department. CSOs work part-time to provide services to the university community, including but not limited to: parking enforcement, building lockups and unlocks, crime prevention, security for events, assistance with safety escorts.
Training in relevant areas like CPR, First Aid and other law enforcement areas are possible. Learn more and apply to become a Community Service Officer.
Policing and Community Engagement office is responsible for partnering with the community to address concerns, collaborate on solutions, and create educational programs and events to help build better relationships with campus partners and community members. P.A.C.E. provides the following services free of charge:
- Student/Staff/Faculty safety training
- Active Shooter
- Work Place Safety
- Personal Safety
- Emergency Preparedness (in collaboration with the Emergency Manager)
- Alcohol awareness education
- Student organization event collaboration
If you would like P.A.C.E. to support your event or provide training please contact police@csusm.edu.
The University Police Department offers self-defense courses for students, faculty, staff and community members. In this course, participants will learn how to increase personal safety and situational awareness including basic self defense tactics.
If you have a question about this training, contact police@csusm.edu.
Interested individuals can apply to accompany a police officer in the field to observe the patrol activities on a "ride along". This program is a chance for university and local community members to learn about law enforcement function, and to allow those considering a career in law enforcement to inform themselves on their personal career options.
If you are interested in participating in the University Police Ride Along Program, please contact Sergeant Herman Hernandez at (760)750-4567 or send an email to hhernand@csusm.edu to schedule your visit.
In the case of an active shooter incident on campus, remember these quick words of advice: Run, Hide, Fight.
More on these tactics, emergency alerts, and exercises can be found at: Emergency Alert Resources.
Live Scan services are open to the campus community and the general public. Appointments are required and may be made by calling (760)750-7530 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday 8am-4:30pm.
Live Scan Appointments are available Monday through Thursday, 8:30am to 3:30pm. Please allow at least 30 minutes for the appointment. Completed "Request for Live Scan Service" form and photo I.D. are required.
The Lost & Found program on campus receives items that are lost and attempts to return the items to their true owners. Lost & Found is located in the UPD Building, and can be reached at 760-750-7530 Monday through Friday 8am-4:30pm or lostfound@csusm.edu.
If you have found an item, please bring it in to the Lost & Found office so the item can be logged into the Lost and Found database and stored per University policy. Items found after hours are accepted by contacting Police Dispatch at 760-750-4567.
If you lost an item, please fill out the Lost Item Form.
Submit a Police Report Request Form.
All requests for a copy of a police report must be submitted in writing and responses are mailed, within ten working days of receipt of the request.
Please note that all requests for reports will be evaluated for its release and that we do not release reports to suspects, arrestees, or those persons who are not directly involved with the case.