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Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Emergency Notification System

CSUSM uses a variety of modalities to communicate with the campus community.

Events & Drills

2024-2025 Drill Schedule

August 9th @ 9:00 am Campuswide Evacuation Drill

September 5th Housing Evacuation Drill

October 2nd @ 10:00 am USU Evacuation Drill

October 18th @ 10:18 Great ShakeOut

November 13th @ 2:00 pm Campuswide Lock Down Drill

February 12th @ 9:00 am Campuswide Evacuation Drill


Campuswide Evacuation Maps

Campus Evacuation Zone Maps

Emergency Plans/Procedures:

Active Shooter

run hide fight

Be alert to your surroundings. Report unusual or suspicious activity or persons by calling 9-1-1.

see something say something

CSU Active Shooter Safety Training (Animated)

CSU Video Animado de Seguridad del Tirador Activo


Want to be involved?

Volunteer to be a Building Marshal! The Cal State San Marcos Building Marshal program was developed to facilitate the safe evacuation of campus buildings and to assist emergency responders. This program is staffed by trained campus employees who work in the individual classroom and office buildings throughout the campus. Want to get involved?