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Great California ShakeOut

October 18, 2024 @ 10:18 am


On October 18th @ 10:18 am, CSUSM will join the Great California ShakeOut - Do your part and Drop! Cover! and Hold On!

Major earthquakes may happen anywhere you work, live, or travel in California. The ShakeOut is our chance to practice how to protect ourselves, and assess our work space and homes for potential earthquake hazards. The goal is to prevent a major earthquake from becoming a catastrophe for you, your family, the university, and our community.

On October 180th at 10:18 a.m., a message will be broadcast throughout campus advising to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”. We will broadcast the drill notice via Desktop Alert, Digital Signage, Email, and Text. Please participate and  “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” wherever you are on campus at that time. Post a photo with #CSUSMShakes to be entered into a drawing for a CSUSM gift card.

If you are in your office, classroom or conference room, “Drop, Cover and Hold On” under any available large object that will protect you from falling debris. This is also a perfect time to look around your work space, classrooms and homes to identify any potential hazards if this were an actual earthquake.

Earthquake Safety Video Series

What to do...

Faculty, Managers and Supervisors, please take a few minutes after the drill to discuss what you would do if this were an actual earthquake.

Please help keep phone lines accessible for emergency use; send quick text to family letting them know you are ok. Only call if there is an emergency situation.

Be prepared, build, buy or update your Emergency Preparedness Kit, develop or update your Emergency Plan, create a communication plan (highly recommended to text first, call second)

We thank you in advance for your participation in this year’s Great California ShakeOut!