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Independent Contractor

The Independent Contractor Process is used when hiring an individual, sole proprietor, partnership, single-member LLC, or closely held corporation. Please note that closely held corporations and partnerships with a few personnel will need a completed Contractor/Consultant Determination form.

It is against CSU Policy to reimburse or compensate Independent Contractors for travel expenses. Travel expenses should be included in the lump sum payment to the Independent Contractor.

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) performs the front end analysis for appointment categories, which includes Independent Contractors. The HR Consultant/Contractor Determination process is now in the CSUBUY P2P System. The new P2P site is available at Instructions for submittal are linked below.

Please note: a CSU employee cannot enter into a contract with the CSU where the employee has a personal financial interest in the agreement. A current CSU employee cannot be paid as an Independent Contractor.

Independent Contractor Forms: