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This has been an extremely exciting period as we embarked on our first institutional strategic planning process in nearly 15 years. Together, we have developed a new mission, a new vision and new values. We have also outlined goals and objectives that will help us achieve our aspirations. Thanks to the collective leadership of all of you, we have collectively chosen where we want to go and who we want to be over the next five to seven years! 

We are now in the next phase of strategic planning which involves developing an implementation plan. The implementation plan is defined as a set of action items corresponding to each objective specifically designed to help us achieve our desired vision.

We envision that unit level planning is happening and will continue to happen concurrently with university level planning. The Strategic Planning Implementation Leadership Team (SPILT) will provide direction, guidance and support at the university level by identifying metrics that help us track collective progress towards reaching our vision.

Unit level planning will focus on the goals and objectives of the strategic plan that are particularly relevant to that unit and develop an action plan with unit level metrics and timelines to assess their progress towards those goals and objectives.

Ensuring that unit level metrics connect with and are aligned with university-level metrics is key to the overall success of the plan. To that end, SPILT will communicate and seek feedback on their work on a regular basis with key campus decision makers (at the unit level and internal stakeholders) as part of an iterative process of information sharing and coalescing around a collectively determined set of metrics and outcomes.

The next phase of strategic planning will involve resource planning and aligning budgetary processes with the strategic plan.

Meet our Champions

Implementation Timeline & Reports