Computer Laptops and Other IT Hardware: Loaner laptops and mobile hotspot may be available at CSUSM. Students must submit
a request through the IITS website.
Borrow a FREE computer or tablet from CSUSM! You might be eligible for a free loaner
as part of our CSUccess program for eligible first-year and transfer students the whole time you'll be a
student at CSUSM! The program is set up to provide qualified students with the tools
to help with coursework and to succeed. Devices are ready for pick-up on a first-come,
first-serve basis. Register for your device before reserving your pickup date.
Textbook Resources
Cougars Affordable Learning Materials Program (CALM): Program aims to aid faculty in replacing costly textbooks with lower cost alternatives
by using high-quality open educational resources (OER), library materials, digital
or customized textbooks, and/or faculty-authored materials.
Cox Internet: Discounted programs available for those who qualify.
Textbooks Assistance
The Kellogg Library has many course materials available for free. Some also find renting textbooks via
CHEGG to be helpful as well as other online used book websites such as Amazon.
Echoes of Hope also assists at risk and/or low income youth with books & more.
Open Textbook Library offers over 1,500 free textbooks online, supported by the Open Education network.