Technology Support & Equipment Requests
CSUSM continues to provide loaner technology of laptops and other IT hardware to those
who require that technology to learn in a virtual environment. While CSUSM strives
to provide technology to students and faculty/staff in need, given fiscal and resource
constraints, indicating a need does not guarantee you will receive the item.
Patrons must present their CSUSM ID or digital ID (CSUSM app) upon the time of checkout.
- Temporarily need technology equipment for a desinated amount of time.
- Are getting your current issued device repaired by the Help Desk (faculty/staff).
Note: Since students are now on Microsoft Outlook and not on Gmail, use username@csusm.edu to log in the form, NOT username@cougars.csusm.edu.
Loaner Equipment Appointment Form
Help Desk Location & Hours
Kellogg Library - 2nd floor entrance
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Available Equipment
- Available Equipment and Max Loaner Periods
Available Equipment and MAX Length of Checkout Period Item Students Faculty & Staff Dell Laptop One semester
For a long-term solution, register for a CSUCCESS device.One week
(if you require a permanent laptop for telecommuting purposes, please request a purchase through your department through our TRP program)Mobile Hotspot (full eligibility requirements can be found below in our FAQs.) Due to financial or geographical hardship.
The checkout length is for the duration of the students schooling (to be renewed at the end of each semester).One week
(if you require a permanent hotspot for telecommuting purposes, please request a purchase through your department)Webcam One semester One week Logitech Headset One week One week Duo Key Fob Upon separation from the university Upon separation from the university DSLR Camera (Rebel T7i)
One week One week Sony Alpha 6600 camera
One week One week Camera Tripod
One week One week Various Lenses
One week One week Go Pro (Hero 5)
One week One week Insta360 Camera
One week One week Shotgun microphone
One week One week USB microphone
One week One week Video camera (camcorder)
One week One week iPad
One week One week Zoom Digital Recorders
One week One week Classroom Handheld Microphone
Not available for students One week
(ONLY works in classrooms: ACD 102, ARTS 240, MARSTEIN 125 & KELLOGG READING ROOM)Classroom Lapel Microphones
Not available for students One week
(ONLY works in classrooms: ACD 102, ARTS 240, MARSTEIN 125 & KELLOGG READING ROOM)Projectors
Not available for students One week 27" Monitor
Not available for students One week Keyboard
One semester One week Document camera
Not available for students One semester External CD/DVD drive
One week One week Voice amplifier
Upon separation from the university Upon separation from the university Various digital adapters (depending upon availability)
One week One week Oculus Rift 2
One week One week
Checkout Agreement
- Checkout Agreement
I understand I am required to display my valid CSUSM identification in order to check out equipment and that this equipment is only issued to enrolled CSUSM students, faculty or staff. I further understand that I am not allowed to check out equipment if I have any overdue item(s) or fine(s). I also understand that any communications between the campus and the borrower will be through my official student, staff or faculty email account (i.e., myusername@cougars.csusm.edu or stafforfacultyname@csusm.edu).
Late fees accrue at $2 per hour, per item, for all media equipment and $10 per hour for laptops.
I assume full responsibility and financial liability for all the equipment and accessories borrowed during the time it is checked out to me.
- I understand that any contents on the equipment will be erased to preserve my privacy and to prepare the equipment for another user to use. I understand I am responsible for backing up data prior to returning the item.
- I understand that the equipment and all accessories must be returned by the due date to the location from where the equipment was borrowed.
- I understand fines begin accruing as soon as the equipment is overdue and that I am responsible for paying all fines. I further understand a hold will be placed on my records, barring me from registering or receiving a transcript, until I pay this fine in full.
- I understand that I will return the device in the same condition in which I received it. If it is not returned in the same condition, I agree to reimburse Cal State San Marcos for the loss of, or damage to, any equipment checked out to me. Charges will include replacement or repair costs and shipping costs. I understand a hold will be placed on my records, barring me from registering or receiving a transcript, until I fully reimburse the University for any loss or damage.
- I acknowledge that when I return the equipment, a staff member will verify all parts are present and that the equipment is in good working order. I will be required to remain with the staff member until this check-in is completed. During the check-in process, I may request a receipt, acknowledging the return of the equipment.
- I understand and will comply with the CSUSM campus acceptable use policy.
- I understand I can appeal a fine within 30 days of the due date by using the Equipment Checkout Appeal Form.
- I understand that if I tamper with this device and/or its contents, I will be barred from future equipment checkout privileges and may be subject to campus disciplinary procedures.
- Estimated Replacement Value for Checkout Equipment
Estimated Replacement Prices Item Price PC Laptop $1500 Monitor $250 Docking Station $180 Webcam $45 Headset $100 iPad $350
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I get my technology equipment shipped to me?Students living 90+ miles from campus who cannot come to campus physically can request the technology be sent to them. The mailing address must be 90+ miles from campus to qualify.
- I'm a faculty looking to request the Inspiration Studios or Learning Glass.Requests for Inspiration Studios or the Learning Glass to record lectures should be emailed to mpsrequests@csusm.edu to schedule a time to record.
- Home Technology SetupStudents and faculty/staff will need to have access to a basic home technology setup in order to learn, teach, and work in a virtual environment. IITS can only provide basic hardware, specific courses and functions may have other or additional requirements that are not appropriate for this program. If you do not have access to a computer for financial or other personal resource limitations, you can request a technology loan from IITS. IT equipment is provided as a temporary solution and the use of the equipment may be terminated at any time.
- I want to get my equipment renewed
To ensure equipment is available for all campus patrons, equipment can be renewed one time before it must be returned.
- Hotspot Eligibility Policy
Students are eligible to receive a hotspot for one semester due to financial or geographical hardship, with unlimited renewals as an active student.
Staff are eligible to receive a hotspot for up to 1 week. If you require a hotspot for permanent telecommuting purposes, please speak with your department to purchase a hotspot.
Permanent telecommuting staff: To request a quote for a hotspot:
- Request a quote
- When your department approves purchase amount
- For additional questions regarding hotspot purchases, email telops@csusm.edu
- Basic Home Internet Service
Basic home internet service allows you to use CSUSM's classroom video conferencing service (Zoom) and access online systems and resources such as Cougar Courses. If your area lacks available internet providers or you cannot afford basic internet service, you may request a wireless hotspot from CSUSM.
By requesting a wireless hotspot, you attest that you currently do not have any internet service and that you lack the availability or financial means to acquire it.
Please note that a wireless hotspot can only offer basic connectivity. Hotspots are provided as a temporary solution that may be terminated at any time.