Apply to Participate
Interested in Participating?
The CSUSM App Team wants you to contribute info to the app! Campus members are encouraged to join the Mobile App Creator Teams group to get a
sneak peek of what's coming, help plan out feature scheduling, and get live consultating
from the App Team.
Teams not your thing?
No worries, campus members can still participate in the CSUSM Mobile App by filling
out a request below.
Please note: These offerings do not guarantee that your application will be accepted.
Request a Module within the Mobile App
A module is a collection of content for the app that is timeless and is actionable. This is comparable to the collection of icon content on the app's homepage.
Be an Opt-In Channel Communicator
This feature is currently in pilot testing with a small group but is looking to potentially expand to other campus areas.
Request to be Featured on the App Home Page
Are you hosting a large and public event? Have your event featured in the featured event area at the top of the app's homepage!