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Creative Use of “Why Art Cards"

How do you use our "Why Art?" Cards? 

Welcome to our new page where you can check out various amazing ways in which our "Why Art?" cards have been used! If you want to share the ways in which you have used our "Why Art?" cards email us at 

The Art Deck, Riverside County of Education

Check out this amazing way that you can use our cards!

The Arts at RCOE in conjunction with the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery in Cathedral City have partnered to create their first Art Deck.

The Art Deck is an introductory activity suitable for any gathering where you are talking about, training about, or working with the arts. Its basis is the four artistic processes and all of the various reasons why the arts are so important in student education. This is a fun and interactive opening activity that takes ten minutes to complete and gets everyone warmed up and talking.

Art Deck Link 

Art=Opportunity Virtual home 

virtual home entrance

Our Art=Opportunity home features all of our amazing Why Art? Cards and has direct links to their citations, begin the tour of our Art=Opportunity virtual home!

Pieces by CSUSM students in a social justice and the arts class


This year students from AMD 421  a  social justice and the arts class  used our WHY ART? cards  as inspiration to create art work  across various mediums!  To view all the wonderful art created check out the presentation created! 

CSSSA Alumni Why Art? card videos


Check out the amazing videos by  CSSSA Alumni featuring our Why Art? cards! 

Alumni videos


Arts Education Presentation 

"Why Art?" Card Student Sculptures

"Why Art?" Sculpture piece 1


Kasey Murphy 

I created this sculpture as my final project for my VPA class with Dr. Goldberg.  The flowers are made from egg cartons and spray painted pink.  The stems are made from aluminum foil.  I decorated the vase in Art=Opportunity cards because I feel they best reflect what I’ve learned in the class this semester.  VPA 321 has taught me that creativity comes from within, and that you can make something beautiful out of every day items.  Art is thinking outside of the box and being expressive.  This is a concept I plan to incorporate in my classroom one day.

 "Why Art?" Sculpture piece 2


Giuliana Giardino

At first, I was confused and curious how different subjects in school can be taught through art. I had one perspective; that obviously changed. I now see a different perspective of teaching and how art can be integrated into any subject. To wrap it up, the process from a caterpillar to a butterfly represents how I start off by learning about art integration, I think and understand it, and then I apply it to the real world. I am ready to spread my wings and take what I have learned and fly with it.


"Why Art?" Sculpture piece 3


Makenzie Dotinga

For my sculpture, I decided to create a rainbow mobile. Each color displayed on the first side of the rainbow represents a different subject matter that the arts can be integrated into. The second side of the rainbow displays some of my favorite "Why Art" cards to remind myself of all the benefits the arts have on students. The rainbow as a whole is a representation of how the arts are filled with an abundance of beautiful opportunities. To me, rainbows are a symbol of luck, peace, love, and motivation. All of these qualities represent what art can bring to both myself, and my future students. 

Student "Why Art?" Card recreations 

Through a collaboration with Media Arts Center San Diego  the Student of the Teen Producers Project has recreated our "Why Art?" Cards by adding their own photography that corresponds to the cards as well as creating post that relate to the research for the "Why Art?" Cards! You can check out more of their recreation of our "Why Art?" cards on their Instagram: @teenproducers


CreateED by Crayola 

Crayola CreateED professional learning team collaborated with our team to develop their own branded "Why Art?" Cards to use as an extension of their training. Each card features a unique QR code that links the card to its corresponding research on our website!

crayola"Why Art?" Cards Spread Across America! 

As part of our mission to ensure that every child has access to learn in, with and through the arts our nonprofit organization provides free access to arts education based research that is used to help educate teachers/future teachers, parents, and school administrators about the importance of arts education. Lisa De Marco The graphic designer behind DeMarco Design created this map which is featured in our 2019 annual report card and which shows the places through America in which our Cards are used. 
