Career Assessments
Career assessments help you explore your values, skills, personality type and interests. The Career Center offers computerized assessments as well as personalized assessments to help in your exploration process. Please make an appointment to talk to a career counselor and find out which will be best for you!
TypeFocus offers a robust program through which you can take career assessments, identify CSUSM majors and careers that align with your results, create a career roadmap, and more. To gain access to TypeFocus, first log in to Handshake, then select “Resources” under the “Career Center” tab.
The Strong Interest Inventory (or Strong) helps you explore your interests as related to career and educational goals. Schedule a “Career Assessment Request” appointment via Handshake to speak with a counselor about taking this assessment. After completing the assessment online, your counselor will provide your results and interpret them in a follow-up “Career Assessment Results” appointment.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) helps you explore your personality preferences as related to career and educational goals. Schedule a “Career Assessment Request” appointment via Handshake to speak with a counselor about taking this assessment. After completing the assessment online, your counselor will provide your results and interpret them in a follow-up “Career Assessment Results” appointment.
Developed by Gallup, Inc. the CliftonStrengths assessment helps individuals identify and learn how to develop their natural talents into strengths. Schedule a “Career Assessment Request” appointment via Handshake to speak with a counselor about taking this assessment. After completing the assessment online, you will receive access to your top five talent themes immediately and are encouraged to discuss these with a counselor in a “Career Assessment Results” appointment.
CareerLeader is an online assessment for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career within business, including individuals with academic backgrounds in business or other majors. It identifies careers and organizational cultures that align with your interests, motivators, and skills. Schedule a “Career Assessment Request” appointment via Handshake to speak with a counselor about taking this assessment. After completing the assessment online, you will receive access to your results immediately and are encouraged to discuss these with a counselor in a “Career Assessment Results” appointment.