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For Faculty/Staff

teaching students

As caring faculty/staff members, it is inevitable that you will encounter at least a few students you will be concerned about during the course of the semester for one reason or another. Sometimes, it can be hard to know what warrants a CCN referral, and how to go about making that referral if you decide it's necessary. Remember this rule of thumb: WHEN IN DOUBT, REFER!

Suggested CCN Syllabus Statement for Faculty

Please consider adding this statement to your syllabus to inform students about our services and resources:

ImageCSUSM Cougar Care Network (CCN) Syllabus Statement
CSUSM is committed to a culture of care. If you are experiencing personal, academic, financial, or other challenges which are interfering with your academic success and college experience, please contact the Cougar Care Network. Their kind, nonjudgmental team provides resources, advocacy, and support. You can self-refer on their website (, call 760-750-7627, email or stop by their office in the Administrative Building, Room 1200. You can also search over 200 online resources on their website 24 hours/day. Watch this short video to learn more!

CCN Referral Form - Use this form to refer students to CCN

CCN Resource Links - Over 200 resources, including hotlines, that you can acccess 24 hours/day, especially helpful for students who prefer to research on their own.


  • When should students be referred to CCN?

    At any time. Trust your instinct. If you are concerned about a student, please submit a referral.

  • I am concerned about the immediate safety of my student. Should I refer the student to CCN?
    This form is not designed as an emergency response notification. Please contact University Police at (760) 750-4567, or dial 911 if you have a reasonable suspicion that a student is a threat to self or others.
  • If my student stopped attending class, what can I do?

    Students stop attending classes for many reasons. If this occurs, please email the student with your concern and provide the CCN website and contact information (760-750-7627 or so they can follow up with us, if necessary.

    If you do not hear back from the student and if you are teaching GEL, GEW 101A/101B, GEO 102, UNIV, PHIL 110, Math 105/5, or Math 115, please submit an Early Academic Intervention Referral to CCN.  On the CCN Referral Form, under Nature of Referral (drop-down menu), please select Early Academic Intervention.  The referral then gets shared with the Offices of Undergraduate Studies and/or the Success Coaching team for assistance. 

    For assistance with ALL OTHER COURSES (not GEL, GEW 101A/101B, GEO 102, UNIV, PHIL 110, Math 105/5, or Math 115), please select CCN as the Nature of the Referral (not Early Academic Intervention) and a member of our team will contact the student. 

  • Can I expect a response once I submit a referral?

    Yes, faculty and staff will receive an update within two weeks from the CCN team member assigned to your student case. You are always welcome to contact our team at any time with questions or further concerns about a student. We are happy to brainstorm ideas and resources.

  • What happens when I refer a student?
    The CCN team contacts students via phone, text, or email, typically within 24-48 business hours of your referral.