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Faculty Development Committee

from the updated bylaws (May 2021): 

  1. The charge of the Faculty Development Committee (FDC) is to make recommendations to the Dean concerning faculty development policies, grants, awards and related activities, and to develop or revise, as necessary, the College RTP policy and procedure.
  2. The FDC shall promote and establish the generation of resources and opportunities on behalf of faculty development and call for applications for intra-College grants in support of teaching, scholarly/creative activity, and service.
  3.    The FDC shall review and evaluate intra-College grant applications and shall recommend the names of awardees to the Dean.
  4. The FDC shall develop and maintain clearly articulated, published standards for teaching, scholarly/creative activity, and service for use in the College retention, tenure, and promotion evaluation process and shall do so with consideration of University RTP policies and procedures.  
  5. The FDC shall review and give feedback to departments regarding proposed departmental RTP standards.
  6. The FDC is responsible for planning the Victor Rocha Lecture Series.  Nominations will be solicited from the campus community and speakers will be selected at least every two years by the FDC in consultation with Professor Rocha or his designee. 
  7. The FDC shall consider issues that affect the well-being and success of faculty, including issues related to inclusion and diversity in faculty development.  
  8. The FDC  shall, as needed, put forward initiatives and policies that enhance the effectiveness of faculty in our College.