Academic Advising for CHABSS Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a staff advisor for University General
Education Requirements, progress to graduation, etc.
Academic Requirements Report (ARR) The ARR is the graduation evaluation tool used by the campus to award degrees. Students
should run this report often to guarantee completion of all graduation requirements.
For more information visit ARR or watch the video tutorial
Academic Success Center The Academic Success Center is happy to announce that they will continue to support
students through their learning jouney by offering the following services: In-person
and Online Tutoring available, Supplemental Instruction, and workshops.
Career Network (Career Readiness) Connects CHABBS students with mentors consisting of regional professionals, alumni,
business, non-profit and community leaders. Mentors and mentees will be matched by
career interests and will use face-to-face, phone, and online communications to discuss
professional etiquette, interview skills, resume writing, and job searching strategies.
Degree Planner Degree Planner is an interactive online tool you're encouraged to use to be more proactive
with your course planning. Requirements for your major, minor (if applicable), and
general education are displayed in a recommended sequence using information from your
student record. It even recognizes the courses you've already taken at CSUSM, test
credit, transfer credit, course substitutions, and prerequisites to recommend an education
plan designed just for you!
Internships Many departments in the College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences
offer credit-bearing Internship Courses. Some of these courses are open to non-majors,
while others are structured as capstone courses or other required/restricted courses
open only to students in those majors.
Major Advising Students are also strongly encouraged to meet with a tenured/tenure-track faculty
member in the major department for general major advising, course specific questions,
program highlights, etc... Visit the department website for more information
Schedule Assistant - is an eAdvising tool that helps undergraduate students find open classes that are
offered on days/times when they can attend school.
Service Learning - is a teaching method that promotes student learning through active participation
in meaningful and planned community experiences that are substantively related to
course content. Through reflective activities, students enhance their understanding
of course content, general knowledge, sense of civic responsibility, self-awareness
and commitment to the community.
Student Travel For your convenience the University has provided information for student travel including
guidelines, checklist and forms.
Study Abroad The Office of Global Education maintains an up-to-date information center on the wide
variety of Study Abroad opportunities that are open to all CSUSM students.