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Experiencing a classroom issue?

  1. The first step is for the student to meet with their instructor to address the issue of concern. To prepare for the meeting, review the course syllabus carefully, and bring a concise list of points to be addressed.
  2. If the problem remains unresolved, the next step is to meet with the Department Chair or Program Director of the department offering the course to discuss the issue. To request a meeting, send an email, including the following:
    • Student name, student ID number, and the course title, course number and section, and the name of the instructor.
    • A detailed, concise description of the situation.
    • Whether the student has met with the instructor (include any email/message with the instructor).
    • The course syllabus
  3. If the Department Chair or Program Director cannot resolve the issue, contact the CHABSS Director of Student Success, Leo Melena ( Provide the same information as above. The student will be contacted if further information is needed and/or to schedule a meeting to discuss the issue in person.
  4. If the concern cannot be resolved through the steps noted above, the students should consult the Dean of Students Office website for more information about resources and CSUSM policies and procedures.