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Our mission

The SEPA grant at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) is on a mission to empower the next generation of thoughtful American Indian scholars of science. By connecting motivated American Indian youth and their families with a culturally validated, comprehensive and layered science education, mentoring, and research, SEPA nurtures both skills and confidence necessary for students to matriculate into and succeed in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.

We will develop and deliver educational and research activities for American Indian middle school and high school students in the biomedical and behavioral sciences to increase their interest in pursuing studies and careers in STEM. The following activities will be conducted as part of this program:

  • Engage 6-12th grade students in STEM based workshops and activities to increase interest in STEM fields and careers
  • Run a mentored summer program at California State University San Marcos to engage American Indian students and their families in STEM activities and college readiness
  • Provide near-peer mentoring program to support American Indian students in 6-12th grade
  • Provide research opportunities for American Indian students to gain experience in STEM, including in the area of substance use and opioid overdose within Native Nations.


Interested in our program?

During the first year of the grant (2024-2025), we will be working with our community partners to develop educational activities for the grant. We are forming a community advisory board to support this work. If you are interested in participating in any activities or becoming a partner in this work please contact Richard Armenta at


This grant is funded by the National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA): R25DA061948