Mail Standards
Font Type Styles:
- Type styles (fonts) described as simple sans serif are more easily read by the USPS optical character readers (OCR's). These styles are recommended for printing the delivery address. The recommended type size is 10 to 12 points, all upper case. (Example 1)
- As a rule, do not use type styles defined as light, bold, extended, or condensed.
Also, do not use italic, highly ornamental, or script-like fonts. (Example 2)
- Example 1: Recommended Fonts: TAHOMA, COURIER, ARIAL
- Example 2: NOT Recommended Font Samples: MONOTYPE CORSIVA, COMIC SANS, MODERN
Standards for Address:
SAN MARCOS, CA 92096-0001
Intra-Campus Mail on Standard #10 Envelopes:
If you use #10 envelopes for your intra-campus mail, please remember to band them separately from your USPS mail and make sure they are easily and clearly identifiable as intra-campus mail. Many envelopes come through Distribution Services that appear to be USPS mail when in fact upon closer examination they are actually intra-campus mail poorly marked.
- Gently used intra-campus mail envelopes may be requested thru Distribution Services.
Mail Preparation:
All addresses must be CLEARLY written or typed and in the correct location, leaving the proper clear-space on the front of the envelope or mail piece. See below:
Typed addresses are preferred by the US Postal Service. Remember to use a simple sans serif font.
All mail submitted to Distribution Services for processing must be banded separately by type, i.e., intra-campus, 1st class, Air Mail, etc. and have a valid mail barcode attached to each bundle to be metered.
Never use staples to close or seal your envelopes or packages. Mail sealed in this manner will not be processed by Distribution Services and will be returned to the sender. The staples can cause damage to postal equipment, injury to postal personnel, and will be refused by the US Post Office.
You can never use pre-printed indicia permit envelopes or send pre-printed indicia catalogs as 1st class mail unless you first place a blank label COMPLETELY over the pre-printed indicia.
You can never use or send pre-printed permit envelopes/catalogs etc. through inter-campus mail without first placing a large “X” through the pre-printed indicia.
Distribution Services staff must be notified of all bulk mailings a minimum of 10 business days prior to the mailing. In addition, you must supply Distribution Services with two (2) samples of the mailing prior to the mailing. For mailings processed through a Mailing House, these samples and the approximate number of pieces to be mailed must be given to Distribution Services PRIOR to the mailing being submitted to the Post Office. Your mailing may be refused by the Post Office if their regulations are not met.
All mail piece designs, BRMS and CMRS requests should be submitted to Distribution
Services staff prior to being sent to the printer. Mail pieces not meeting USPS mail
piece design restrictions may not be acceptable for metering or mailing.
Letter Size Template:
Use this template (available from Distribution Services) to quickly and easily check the size of your mail piece and save on hidden postage costs.
When purchasing #10 envelopes or mailing labels please make sure to order the proper style. This will help ensure that your mail is securely closed and sealed when metered and less likely to be damaged during processing.
Personal Mail:
Distribution Services cannot accept responsibility for handling employees’ personal, non-university-related mail. For any personal specialized services. i.e., Federal Express, Express Mail, or Certified Mail, it is the sender’s responsibility to see that the items are taken to these respective businesses for processing. Personal mail that is placed in the outgoing “Stamped” mail bins without postage will be given to the U.S.P.S. “as is” and will either be returned to the sender, if there is a return address, or placed as “dead” or un-deliverable mail at the Post Office.
If you are receiving personal non-university-related mail, including catalogs, to our university address, please make sure you submit a U.S.P.S. Change of Address (PS Form 3576) for each person, business or publication that sends mail to you.