Freight Delivery - Inbound
Inbound freight shipments delivered to Distribution Services require special handling. Campus freight delivery times vary by the type of freight and resources required to move it safely through campus. Distribution Services will contact the appropriate department to arrange delivery.
Notes regarding freight deliveries
- Please notify Distribution Services of incoming freight by emailing us at distributionservices@csusm.edu or call our main receiving line at 750-760-4535.
- For individual items or pallets weighing over 500lbs, or that total combined height including item, pallet and lift on pallet jack are over 72” high, PDC will be contacted to schedule the move during their next available move date.
- Sensitive or scientific equipment is best ordered during the Purchase Order process as “set in place.” This requires you to work closely with your Buyer to have the PO written such that the vendor communicates the specific delivery location and instructions to the freight company.
- Due to limited space, Distribution Services is not able to hold freight shipments for longer than five days, unless the shipment will require special handling, Facilities instillation or move by Corovan. Please check with your department’s Administrative Coordinator to ensure you have the space for your freight shipment prior to ordering.