Graduate Studies Council
The purpose of the Graduate Studies Council (GSC) is to:
- Serve as an advisory and consultative group to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
- Discuss issues of interest and concern to graduate programs across the University and, where appropriate, propose policies to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
- Assist the Academic Senate with the review of graduate curricular proposals.
GSC is comprised of representatives from each graduate program. Participants may also include:
- Director of Admissions (or designee).
- Director of Registration and Records (or designee).
- Representative(s) from the Office of Extended Learning.
- Representatives from prospective graduate programs.
- The Office of Graduate Studies and Research administrative support person
- Representative from the Graduate Students Association
2024-2025 GSC Members
- Spring 2025 Voting Members
- Dr. Julie Jameson - Biological Sciences
- Dr. Betsy Read - Biotechnology
- Dr. Soheila Jorjani/Dr. Mohammad Oskoorouchi - Business Adminstration
- Dr.Afra Panahi - Chemistry
- Dr. Sreedevi Gutta - Computer Science
- Dr. Teresa Macklin -Cybersecurity
- Dr. Joni Kolman - Curriculum and Instruction
- Dr. Rania Saeb - Educational Administration and
- Dr. Audrey Paredes - Educational Leadership
- Dr. Alyssa Sepinwall - History
- Dr. Deanna Schmidt - Kinesiology
- Dr. Francesco Levato - Literature & Writing
- Dr. Badal Joshi - Mathematics
- Dr. Annette Daoud - Multicultural and Multilingual
- Dr. Susan Andera/Dr. Catherine Baker - Nursing
- Dr. Nancy Caine - Psychological Sciences
- Dr. AsherLev Santos - Public Health
- Dr. Christiane Wood - Reading, Language and Literacy
- Dr. Blake Beecher - Social Work
- Dr. Sheri-Lynn Kurisu/Dr. Lori Walkington - Sociological Practice
- Dr. Darci Strother - Spanish
- Dr. Jodi Robledo - Special Education
- Dr. Alison Scheer-Cohen - Speech Language Pathology
- Dr. Carmen Mitchell - University Library
- Non-Voting Members
- Dr. Charles De Leone - Graduate Studies and Research
- Nam Nguyen - Graduate Studies and Research
- Seth Del Fiorentino - Graduate Representatives Council
- Brooke Judkins - Extended Learning
- Danielle McMartin - Global Programs
- Leo Melena - College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Stephen Vandereb - MBA Office
The Co-Chairs of GSC are a faculty member of GSC and the Dean of Graduate Studies.The faculty co-chair is elected by GSC members to serve a one-year tem and can be re-elected. The co-chairs meet to set the GSC agenda and review the minutes of the previous meeting.
2024 -2025 GSC Co-Chairs
Dr. Charles De Leone - Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
Dr. AsherLev Santos - Associate Professor, Public Health
- Meetings are held monthly or as convened by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
- The faculty co-chair leads the meetings.
- Meetings are open unless an executive session is called by a simple majority vote of the graduate programs represented at the meeting, in which case only the graduate program representatives will remain in the room to conduct business.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Meetings take place via Zoom from 12:30pm-2pm
- Friday, September 13th
- Friday, October 11th
- Friday, November 8th
- Friday, December 13th
- Friday, February 14th
- Friday, March 14th
- Friday, April 11th
- Friday, May 9th
- A majority of the graduate programs must be represented at a meeting in order to conduct business.
GSC generally operates by consensus. If a formal vote is requested by a graduate program representative, each graduate program represented at the meeting will have one vote. A simple majority vote prevails.