Congratulations to our 2023-2024 CDIP Fellows!
Juan R. Sandoval
Demeturie Toso-Lafaele Gogue
Criminology, Law and Society Doctoral Candidate Education Doctoral Candidate
University of Callifornia, Irvine University of Callifornia, Los Angeles
Mentor: Dr. Xuan Santos, Sociology Department Mentor: Dr. Theresa Suarez, Sociology Department
Criminology, Law and Society Doctoral Candidate Education Doctoral Candidate
University of Callifornia, Irvine University of Callifornia, Los Angeles
Mentor: Dr. Xuan Santos, Sociology Department Mentor: Dr. Theresa Suarez, Sociology Department
Congratulations to our 2023 Grad Slam Winners!
- Serena Farrell (Undergraduate Winner)
- Natalie Medico (People's Choice)
- Elisha Rainwaters (Non-STEM Winner)
- Jocelyne Dates (STEM Winner)
Congratulations 2022-2023 Graduate Dean's Awardee
Jennifer Figueroa - Psychological Sciences
Thesis: Do Relationship Beliefs Matter? The Role of Implicit Theries of Relationships on Conflict
Resolution Styles in Emerging Adults' Romantic Relationships