Thesis, Project, & Comprehensive Exam Information
Every Master's degree program is required to include a culminating experience. The form of this experience differs according to degree programs, but all Master's students must satisfactorily complete either a thesis, a project or a comprehensive examination
- The Culminating Experience
A thesis is a written product of the systematic study of a significant problem. It clearly identifies the problem, states the major assumptions, explains the significance of the undertaking, sets forth the sources for and methods of gathering information, provides an analysis of the data, and offers a conclusion or recommendation.
A project is a significant undertaking appropriate to the fine and applied arts or to professional fields. It evidences originality and independent thinking, appropriate form and organization, and a rationale. It is described and summarized in a written document that includes the project's significance, objectives, methodology, and a conclusion or recommendation.
A comprehensive examination is an assessment of the student's ability to integrate the knowledge of the area, show critical and independent thinking, and demonstrate mastery of the subject matter. The results of the examination evidences independent thinking, appropriate organization, critical analysis and accuracy of documentation. A record of the examination questions and responses shall be maintained in accordance with the records retention policy of The California State University.
- Committee Composition
The Master's Thesis and Project Committee Composition Policy governs who may serve on the student's committee.
All members of the thesis or project committee will be individuals with advanced degrees and/or relevant professional experience. Appointments to a thesis or project committee must not constitute Conflicts of Interest, which includes conflicts outlined in the Conflicts of Interest Appendix to the Policy on Ethical Conduct and relationships prohibited by the Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation, Sexual Misconduct, Dating & Domestic Violence, & Stalking Against Students (Executive Order 1097).Thesis Committee
Each thesis committee will have a minimum of two members.-
- The chair of the thesis committee will typically be a tenure line CSUSM faculty member who ensures that the thesis conforms to program and university standards. The chair must have knowledge and expertise in the field of study and is responsible for the intellectual integrity, rigor, and quality of research.
- The thesis chair and the coordinator/director of the graduate program must approve the composition of the thesis committee.
- A department/program may have a policy to allow exceptions to the requirement that the thesis chair be a tenure line faculty member. Any such exceptions must be approved by the coordinator/director of the graduate program and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Exceptions will be granted only if the thesis chair is a CSUSM-contracted lecturer holding a terminal degree in the field of study.
*Upon approval, all approved exceptions shall be communicated by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research to the Scholarly Communication Librarian.
Project Committee
Each project committee will have a minimum of two members, one of whom must be a tenure line CSUSM faculty member.-
- The chair of the project committee will normally be a tenure line faculty member, who ensures the culminating project conforms to program and university standards. The chair must have knowledge and expertise in the field of study and is responsible for the intellectual integrity, rigor, and quality of the project.
- The coordinator/director of the graduate program must approve the composition of the project committee or delegate the approval of its composition to an appropriate faculty member.
- Any exceptions to the project chair being a tenure line faculty member must be approved by the coordinator/director of the graduate program and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Exceptions will be granted only when the non-tenure track individual has unique knowledge and expertise which will enhance the quality of the project.
*Upon approval, all approved exceptions shall be communicated by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research to the Scholarly Communication Librarian.
- Master's Thesis, Project, or Dissertation - ScholarWorks Submission
A finished Master’s thesis or Master’s project is a scholarly work that is the product of extensive research and related preparation. The University will make Master’s theses and Master’s projects publicly available online in the University’s institutional repository, ScholarWorks at CSUSM. Electronic theses and projects provide increased visibility of research produced at the University. The immediate and widespread availability provides worldwide access to scholarship.
An ETD is the electronic version of a thesis, project, or dissertation. Instead of being printed and bound, the file is converted to a Portable Document File (PDF) and submitted to the University Library. The Library preserves and archives the PDF, and makes it available online through ScholarWorks at CSUSM, our Institutional Repository. The student's original research is produced, submitted, and accessed in electronic format.
The Library has created an extensive Submission Guide on their website. This provides a step-by-step guideline on how to submit a thesis, project or dissertation. Students must refer to the library website for the submission deadline to qualify for graduation in each semester.
Missing the ETD deadline without an approved extension will delay your degree conferral to the following term.
- Extension Requests
If you know that you will not make the deadline or you have an emergency, you may request an extension. Please contact your faculty advisor and program graduate coordinator as soon as you know that you need an extension! Your program's graduate coordinator will need to submit the request to gradstudies@csusm.edu The request must contain your name, your program, the reason you are requesting an extension, and how many days you need.
An extension can be anywhere from one day to one week, but not longer than one week. If you need more than a one week period of time, you will need to enroll for a course the next semester. Please seek guidance from your faculty advisor or graduate coordinator.
Direct requests from students will be routed back to their graduate coordinator. Requests must be made before the semester's deadline date. Requests made on the deadline date will not be approved.
- GRAD E699 - Graduate Standing Continuation
The GRAD E699 course provides the continuation of graduate standing for students finalizing culminating activities (thesis, project, or comprehensive exam). It is only for Master's students who have completed all of their graduate coursework, including the for-credit supervised thesis/project coursework called for in their respective graduate programs. Students enrolled in GRAD E699 should need no more than minimal faculty supervision. Students who are still working closely with an advisor (e.g., thesis/ project requires extensive work and supervision) should enroll in their respective department's graduate-level independent study course, rather than GRAD E699.
GRAD E699 is a non-unit bearing course but it allows students active status to submit their culminating experience and graduate that term. GRAD E699 cannot be repeated.