Supporting Research
CSUSM is committed to the success of students and the university has made it a strategic priority by encouraging their intellectual engagement and by supporting teaching, research, and creative activities of a stellar faculty. The campus recognizes student research as an integral part of student learning. Innovation in education and research at both the undergraduate and graduate levels is require to attract and retain students.
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Cloud clustering - High-performance computing (HPC)
- Collaboration with non-CSUSM & CSUSM
- Data display
- Research warehouse
Campus Connection
Academic Excellence
- 1.5 - Support faculty research, creative activities and development
- 1.8 - Develop appropriate spaces for learning and collaboration
Community Partnerships
- 4.3 - Provide strategic leadership and foster opportunities for regional growth and development
- Student research is an integral part of student learning, retention and recruitment
Academic Affairs Core Value
- Research and creative activity are essential to high quality teaching
- High quality teaching is essential to high quality learning
What is IITS already doing related to Supporting Research?
- HPC Assets (College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)
- GIS - faculty use GIS in their courses for the following subjects: Liberal Studies (Geography), Sociology, Political Science, History, Kinesiology, Biology, Anthropology, Marketing, Visual & Performing Arts, Physics and Economics.
- Qualtrics (easy-to-use and full-featured survey tool) - Psychology, School of Nursing and College of Business Administration
- System specification analysis and configuration (purchasing & deployment)
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Supporting Research?
- Graduate Studies & Research
- Office for Training, Research & Education in the Sciences (OTRES)
- Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUGS)
- University Library
- CSUSM Corporation
- Faculty Center
- Innovations Team
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Supporting Research surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Makerspaces - a physical location where people gather to share resources and knowledge, work on project, network, and build. Many makerspaces are still primarily places for technological experimentation, hardware development, and idea prototyping
- More High-Performance Computing (HPC) - High-performance computing is typically used for solving advanced problems and performing research activities through computer modeling, simulation and analysis
- Outreach - knowing stakeholder (faculty) needs
- Research computer aging + replacement ( one-time funds)
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Supporting Research needs, if adopted?
- Access + Accessibility
- Our own internal research and experimentation
- Client involvement - knowing where stakeholders (faculty, departments, colleges) are going
- Find ways to be more involved in research and support
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Grants
- Getting the right funding
- Get involved Drones, Virtual Realty / Augmented Realty, 3D Scanning