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Speech Language Pathology

Students can meet with a tutor for any of our supported courses during our the STEM SC's open hours unless otherwise listed. They can also find writing support for all courses at The Writing Center.

Courses with an asterisk (*) are not supported in STEM SC but have other forms of support such as Supplemental Instruction (SI) or NetTutor.

Supported Courses

SLP 201*
SLP 320*
PHYS 357*
SLP 391*
SLP 473*
SLP 491*

SLP 201 - Hearing Disorders and Measurement

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
SI sessions are study and review for difficult courses. It involves group learn and practice that fits within the course's expected time requirement. Learn more about it's methods and effectiveness.  

SLP 320 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
SI sessions are study and review for difficult courses. It involves group learn and practice that fits within the course's expected time requirement. Learn more about it's methods and effectiveness.  

PHYS 357 - The Science of Speech and Hearing

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
SI sessions are study and review for difficult courses. It involves group learn and practice that fits within the course's expected time requirement. Learn more about it's methods and effectiveness.  

  • SI Schedule

    Suchitra Chepin

    Section 901

    SI Leader: Nina Kokami
    Tuesday 12:15pm-1:45pm ELB 207
    Thursday 12:15pm-1:45pm ELB 207


SLP 391 - Clinical Phonetics and Analysis of Disordered Speech for Speech Language Pathologists

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
SI sessions are study and review for difficult courses. It involves group learn and practice that fits within the course's expected time requirement. Learn more about it's methods and effectiveness.  

SLP 473 - Hearing Disorders and Measurement

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
SI sessions are study and review for difficult courses. It involves group learn and practice that fits within the course's expected time requirement. Learn more about it's methods and effectiveness.  

SLP 491 - Hearing Disorders and Measurement

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
SI sessions are study and review for difficult courses. It involves group learn and practice that fits within the course's expected time requirement. Learn more about it's methods and effectiveness.