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CSUBUY Procure-to-Pay (P2P)


Welcome to Procurement and Contracts’ Procure-to-Pay (P2P) site. This site contains information on procuring, receiving, and paying for goods and services. CSUBUY P2P is the implementation of strategic, standardized procurement processes that allow for the elimination of manual steps resulting in efficiencies through automation, risk mitigation, and cost savings for the CSU.

CSUBUY P2P is a platform for the procurement and payment of all goods and services except travel and reimbursements to employees and students. CSUBUY P2P is a comprehensive procurement platform designed to optimize the entire procure-to-pay process, ensuring seamless and efficient transactions from sourcing to payment within the CSU system.


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New! P2P Requisition "Start to Finish" Training thru March 25, 2025
Date: Every Other Tuesday
January 28th; February 11th & 25th; March 11th & 25th
Time: Noon to 1:00 pm
Location: Zoom

Ongoing Hypercare Office Hours thru February 27, 2025
Tuesdays & Thursdays
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Location: Zoom

Trainings for CSUBUY P2P Implementation:​

Training Resources:

Please contact Procurement & Contracts before submitting a request. CSUBUY Support Quick Reference Guide

Delegation of Authority - Approval Limits & Roles

Approval Limits and Roles
5 Individuals who process, monitor and initiate expenditure transactions on behalf of a higher authority Non‐MPP, Fiscal Analysts, or Administrative Support personnel (Classifications:  AAS, ASA, ASC, SSP, Budget Analyst, IST, Conf Admin, Accounting Tech, Library Services Spec, ITC, Extended Ed Spec) $0-$5,000
4 Individuals with delegated authority to spend from and manage approved budgets Manager/Director/Senior Director, Exec Director, some Assistant VPs or Academic Equivalent, Department Chairs, Faculty Directors, Associate Deans,  (Classification:  Admin I & II, ADMIN III if they are an associate Dean, Deputy CIO, Info Sec Officer), Aux Managers $5,000.01-$50,000
3 Individuals with oversight of sub-divisions or colleges Deans, Associate/Assistant Vice President (AVP), Vice Provost, Athletic Director, Aux Associate Executive Director $50,000.01-$100,000
2 Individuals with oversight of divisions or auxiliaries PAT, Auxiliary Executive Directors $100,000.01-$50M
1 President/CFO President/CFO $50M+/unlimited

CSU Contracted Punchout Suppliers

For purchases using our CSU-contracted vendors or catalog suppliers, CSUBUY P2P is the preferred way to shop. CSUBUY P2P serves as a dynamic digital shopping environment, connecting CSUSM and other CSU campuses with a wide range of suppliers for easy access to goods and services within a unified procurement framework.

Staples Advantage Desktop Delivery: for Staples purchases with Desktop Delivery, please continue to use the process outside of the CSUBUY P2P with payment via ProCard.


CSUBUY is a systemwide Procure-to-Pay platform for transactions, purchases, and payments. It is the method for doing business with CSUSM.

Supplier Portal:  For Registered or Invited Suppliers Only

Requesting a New Supplier:

To request a new supplier, please start by searching for the supplier in CSUBUY.

search for supplier

If the supplier does not appear in your search, please fill out a Request New Supplier form in the Quick Links section on the upper right side of the CSUBUY main page. If the supplier does appear, please skip to Supplier Extension Request.


When requesting a new supplier, please ensure you provide a contact email for someone who can provide financial and legal information about the company. The required information includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Tax identification number
  • Company structure and organization
  • Banking information
  • How payments should be made

Suppliers will receive their invitation emails from

Supplier Request Instructions: Request suppliers and learn some pro tips.

Supplier Extension Request:

My supplier came up in my search, but it does not appear when I enter a form. What is the issue?

If you encounter this issue, it's likely that the supplier has been onboarded with another campus. In such cases, it's necessary to submit the Supplier Extension Request form, which allows us to extend the supplier's registration to our campus.

If your supplier's registration status is approved, check their profile, click on Supplier 360, and check the MBU IDs to see if CSUSM (SMXMP) is included.


If the CSUSM business unit (SMXMP) is not listed under the MBU section, submit a Supplier Extension Request by scrolling down to Showcases and clicking on the form.