American Democracy Project at CSUSM
The goal of ADP at CSUSM is to increase opportunities for CSUSM students to practice good civic leadership and encourage spaces to openly dialogue about the health of our American democracy in partnership with community.
ADP at CSUSM achieves this goal through programs like the Speaking of Democracy Series, a series of conversations on the health of our U.S. democracy facilitated by faculty.
In Fall 2017, ADP partnered with ASI and the League of Women Voters for National Voter Registration Day on September 26 to register students to vote and encourage voter engagement. As well, ADP sponsored a panel of journalists in conversation on the health of our democracy in an event called Freedom and the Press.
In Spring 2018, ADP co-sponsored A University with Different Perspectives: Bring Light, Not Heat with the Office of Inclusive Excellence and the Library.
In Fall 2020, ADP, co-sponosred a series of National Times Talk with Student series to debrief the presidential and vice-presidential debates, along with a workshops on Deliberative Dialogues and post-Election engagement.
ADP at CSUSM also collaborates with other CSUSM departments, and local institutions for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service and César Chávez Day of Service events. For spring 2021, both Day of Service events hosted virtual volunteer opportunities and events.
Upcoming Events
Check the Civic Engagement event page for registration information.
National Network
The American Democracy Project (ADP) is a national multi-campus initiative focused on public higher education’s role in preparing the next generation of informed, engaged citizens for our democracy. The goal of ADP nationwide is to produce graduates who are committed to being knowledgeable, involved citizens in their communities.