Service Learning Showcase and Awards
Each year in May, we host the Service Learning Showcase and Awards to celebrate students, faculty, and community partners who are engaged in service learning and contributed to community engagement at CSUSM. The event provides an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and community partners to network and foster future connections as well as features student poster presentations and awards for outstanding student, faculty, and community partner.
2024 Service Learning Showcase and Awards Celebration
May 9, 2024 | 4:00-5:30PM | USU 2310
Join us to celebrate service learning with students, faculty, and community partners! We also invite you to nominate an outstanding student, faculty, and community partner. If you are a student, please indicate that you are presenting a poster at the Showcase and Awards Celebration when you RSVP. The first 10 students who RSVP and indicate that they are presenting at the event will have their poster printed by the Department of Service Learning.
Please RSVP, Nominate Award Recipient, and let us know whether you will be presenting a poster as a student by Friday, April 26th. Registration Closed
We accept nominations for the following awards. Please nominate a student, faculty, and/or community partner when you RSVP:
Outstanding Student Award:
- This award celebrates an outstanding student whose service learning work demonstrates social impact and is closely tied to course content.
- Faculty or Community Partners can nominate a student for this award. Students can also nominate themselves or another student.
Outstanding Faculty Award:
- This award recognizes a CSUSM faculty member whose collaborative efforts within the university and community have resulted in exemplary service learning partnerships.
- Students or Community Partners can nominate a Faculty Member for this award. Faculty can also nominate themselves or another faculty.
Outstanding Community Partner Award:
- This award celebrates community partners that works collaboratively with faculty and students to develop and provide meaningful service learning experiences for students.
- Faculty or Students can nominate a Community Partner for this award. Community Partner can also nominate themselves or another community partner.