Service Learning Celebration
On April 29, 2015, the Office of Civic Engagement recognized the work of our students, faculty, and community partners at our Service Learning Celebration. The reception and program was held at the McMahan House. These are the recipients of the Outstanding Service Learning Awards:
Sean Griser - Outstanding Student
Sean took on a meaningful and deeply personal music project that has connected older
adults with memory loss to their long-term memories of favorite music in order to
feel comfort, alleviate agitation and prevent feelings of isolation. Sean interviewed
each resident at the Sunshine Care homes about their life history, favorite singers,
and music preferences (i.e. the song they danced to at their wedding, the songs they
sang while cooking dinner, in church or during military service). The last step was
training the Caregivers on using the music playlists, offering each resident a chance
to hear the music each day. Now each of our 7 houses has a music device with a personalized
playlist for each resident. Sean will be presenting on the project, how to recreate
it and its impact, at the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Aging and
Independence Services conference "Vital Aging 2015" on June 17th.
Kendra Rivera - Outstanding Faculty
Dr. Kendra Rivera was recognized for her instruction of Communications 390, Research Methods and Design. Her student nominator, Nicholas Lacy, states that Dr. Rivera prepares students in such a way that enables them to truly practice the cultural competence and cultural civility taught within the realms of the classroom in the real world to gain practical experience. Dr. Rivera does an outstanding job that definitely reaches beyond the confines of the classroom, which exhibits a greater influence on students within higher education. Lacy further stated that the course "exhibited many learning blocks that ensure the learning and participation within the community at selected service learning sites."
San Diego County Office of Education - Outstanding Community Partner
The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) has been a long time community partner with the CSUSM School of Education. Through their Tutor Connection program and it's coordinator, Michelle Bailow, the SDCOE has been very collaborative in providing meaningful service learning opportunities and ensuring that those activities are relevant to course content. For the course Education 364, students placed at Tutor Connection tutor foster youth as part of their service learning requirement. Through this incredible and reciprocally beneficial arrangement, youth get services that they need and future teachers get a deeper understanding of children. In addition to being a great learning environment for our students, Tutor Connection is providing a vital service to our community. It truly makes a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable children. Michelle's dedication to foster youth in our community and her commitment to the students at CSUSM has undoubtedly left a legacy that is difficult to quantify.
North County Intergenerational Council - What is Intergenerational? - Outstanding Video
This video team created a wonderful PSA piece about Ingergenerational efforts across North County for the visual arts course "Video in the Community". They have demonstrated through their film work the relevance, impact and need for people to volunteer across the generations. The film highlights how IG work creates positive community change. The team had to work with multiple agencies that are members of the IG Council and film at 8 different locations. They went above and beyond course requirements and both Xochital and Victor have ambitions to be in the film-making industry. That really shows. Even the process of making this film was intergenerational! The whole goal was to bring attention to the work we are doing and allow people the opportunity to learn and connect with Intergenerational opportunities. They have succeeded admirably.