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Virtual Front Desk

  • We use Microsoft Teams for virtual drop-in support.
  • See "How to Access Virtual Front Desk" to get started.No appointment is necessary.
  • Students are seen 1:1 on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Virtual Front Desk hours are M-F, 9am-4pm. 
  • Sessions generally last up to 15 minutes (students interested in a longer meeting with a Success Coach should schedule an appointment.)

How to Access Virtual Front Desk:

  1. Make sure you're logged on to your Teams application or the Teams website
  2. Click on the this link to join the Office of Success Coaching Teams channel
  3. Help us, help you! Before you ask your question please use @OfficeofSuccessCoaching and then ask your question(s).
  4. Using the @OfficeofSuccessCoaching alerts all of our team members that you've successfully joined our Team and asked our "hive mind" a question.