Program Learning Outcomes
Students who graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences will:
- Use the scientific method to ask testable questions and to design and conduct laboratory, field, or theoretical investigations to address these questions.
- Employ mathematical and computational skills to organize, analyze, and evaluate biological data.
- Communicate biological information in an appropriate written and/or oral format to both scientific and general audiences.
- Locate, determine the reliability of, critically evaluate and summarize scientific literature and other sources of biological information
Students who graduate with a Master of Science in Biological Sciences will:
- Actively participate in and lead discussions about current topics and selected research topics to become highly knowledgeable about specific areas in biology.
- Locate, acquire and critically evaluate primary literature in the biological sciences.
- Develop specific hypotheses/aims pertaining to a research problem and design and conduct a study or experiment to accomplish this goal.
- Quantitatively analyze and interpret biological data (e.g., class project, original thesis research).
- Critically evaluate, synthesize and report on biological data (e.g., class project, original thesis research) in oral and/or written formats based on their knowledge of biology.