Career Exploration
- Biology and Biotechnology Majors
Our Biology and Biotechnology programs open up a multitude of doors for students who are interested in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, agriculture, and environmental/ecological studies. It is a vast major with many pathways, so make sure you are exploring all paths to get the most out of your degree.
Want to take a deeper look into the outlook of Biology careers? BIOL Careers Outlook
Want to take a deeper look into the outlook of Biotechnology careers? BIOT Careers Outlook
Getting involved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out some of our undergraduate research opportunities:
- Center for Training, Research, and Educational Excellence (CTREE)
- Faculty Directory | Biology | CSUSM
- Faculty & Staff | Biotechnology | CSUSM
Join a student org!
We also have a Microsoft Teams channel just for Biology majors. Contact traceyb@csusm.edu to join!
There is also an email list for biology and biotechnology opportunities you can sign up for! Contact mpalanki@csusm.edu to join.
Want to be successful as a Biology student? Check out the Biology Student Success page for tips.
- Biochemistry and Chemistry Majors
Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms. Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes that matter can undergo when it is subject to different environments and conditions. Biochemists and Chemists work in a variety of fields, including research and development, quality control, manufacturing, environmental protection, consulting, and law.
Want to take a deeper look into the outlook of Biochemistry and Chemistry careers? BIOCHEM and CHEM Careers Outlook
Getting Involved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out some of our undergraduate research opportunities and mentorship opportunities:
- Center for Training, Research, and Educational Excellence (CTREE)
- Chemistry/Biochemistry Student Research Resources
- Tips for Success in Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry | CSUSM
- Chemistry/Biochemistry Targeted Learning Community
- Choosing a Faculty Member | Chemistry and Biochemistry | CSUSM
Join a student org!
There is also a Chemistry/Biochemistry Discord. Please contact sjayasin@csusm.edu to join!
- Computer Science and Information Systems Majors
Computer Science utilizes the power of computers in the problem-solving process while dealing with the constraints of technology. Our CS program at CSUSM prepares students for careers in applications development, systems analysis, and software engineering, as well as for entrance into graduate and professional schools. Applications of Computer Science knowledge include almost every field from business to education, from humanities to social sciences, or from natural sciences to engineering.
Want to take a deeper look into the outlook of Computer Science careers? CS Careers Outlook
Want to take a deeper look into the outlook of Computer Science Information Systems Careers? CIS Careers Outlook
Getting Invloved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out our undergraduate research opportunities and mentorship opportunities:
- Women’s Hackathon
- Center for Training, Research, and Educational Excellence (CTREE)
- Faculty/Staff | Computer Science | CSUSM
Join a student org!
- Software Engineering Majors
Engineering is broadly described as the creative application of scientific and mathematical principles used to design, develop, improve, and analyze structures, machines, devices, components, systems, and industrial processes useful to society. Software engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques in the process of software design, development, construction and maintenance. With computing as its foundation, software engineering seeks to develop and use systematic models and reliable techniques to produce high-quality software.
Want to take a deeper look at the outlook of Software Engineering careers? SE Careers Outlook
Getting Involved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out our undergraduate research opportunities and mentorship opportunities:
Join a student org!
We also have a Student Organization Engineering Discord. Please contact jmorales@csusm.edu to join!
- Electrical Engineering Majors
Engineering is broadly described as the creative application of scientific and mathematical principles used to design, develop, improve, and analyze structures, machines, devices, components, systems, and industrial processes useful to society. Electrical engineering is the field of engineering that deals with the application and study of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It originated as a branch of physics and has dramatically changed society.
Want to take a deeper look at the outlook of Electrical Engineering careers? EE Careers Outlook
Getting Involved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out our undergraduate research opportunities and mentorship opportunities:
Join a student org!
We also have a Student Organization Engineering Discord. Please contact jmorales@csusm.edu to join!
- Math Majors
Mathematics students will develop the ability to explore, conjecture, and reason, as well as solve a variety of problems. Opportunities for students with a strong background in mathematics are as diverse as they are plentiful. Medical schools, law schools, graduate schools, and employers in fields such as economics, accounting, management sciences, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, computer science, statistics, and communication seek graduates in mathematics.
Explore more careers in mathematics.
Want to take a deeper look at the outlook of Mathematics careers? MATH Careers Outlook
Getting Involved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out our undergraduate research opportunities and mentorship opportunities:
Join a student org!
- Physics Majors
Physics is a study of matter and its interaction at the fundamental level. Applied physics makes a connection between fundamental research in physics and its application to real-world problem-solving. Research in applied physics has led to the use of electricity and magnetism for lighting and propulsion, given birth to the semiconductor industry that has provided us with the conveniences of modern electronics, and played an important part in the development of biomedical technology.
Want to take a deeper look at the outlook of Physics careers? PHYS Careers Outlook
Getting Involved and Gaining Experience
During your time here at CSUSM you will develop your STEM skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Make the most out of your major and get involved with clubs, organizations, research opportunities, internships and more!
Check out our undergraduate research opportunities and mentorship opportunities:
- QIST in the CSU | Physics | CSUSM
- Faculty Research and Lab Shadowing
- Summer Jobs & Research Experiences in Physics
- Faculty and Staff | Physics | CSUSM
Join a student org!