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Information for Students

What's an LA?

LAs are undergraduates who serve as learning coaches in structured activities. They are students who have excelled in the course in previous semesters, and they work with the instructor to improve student learning in the course.

What do LAs do?

The specific responsibilities vary by course, but generally LAs work with students in structured activities during class. For example, LAs might facilitate in-class discussion (perhaps in conjunction with clicker questions or during small group work). LAs also meet weekly with the instructor, and they attend a weekly seminar on Math and Science Education to connect their practical activities with formal ideas about teaching and learning.

Do I get paid? How much time does it take?

Yes, LAs receive a payment based on the specific time commitments associated with their assignments. Most LAs work 8-10 hours per week.

LA commitments include:

  • Participating in weekly meetings with course instructor
  • Attending a weekly seminar on Teaching and Learning (meets every Tuesday 6:00-7:15pm)
  • Working with students during course meeting times
  • Participate in supervisor led weekly meetings

What will I get out of being an LA?

You get to help other students learn math/science! Most LAs find this to be rewarding, and they develop a deeper understanding of the material and more sophisticated views of learning. You'll also get a chance to try out teaching, and you might discover a new career path.

Where can I get info about becoming a math/science teacher?

Interested in becoming a teacher? Learn more at: info about teaching careers and scholarships.

Are LAs graders?

The primary role of LAs is to work with students during class. While LAs may do some grading of homework, it should only be a small part of their overall responsibilities.