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Dean's Award



From left: Dr. Kim Pulvers, Anna Hood, Dean Shapiro and President Haynes

Anna Hood

We are very pleased to announce the Dean's Award winner for 2012, Anna Hood!

Anna Hood will graduate summa cum laude this May with a B.A. in Psychology and will begin a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology at Washington University, St. Louis this fall.

Anna's mentor, Dr. Kimberly Pulvers, explained Anna's accomplishments well in her speech at the award's ceremony on May 2nd: "Anna's curriculum vitae reads like that of a seasoned professional not an undergradtuate student. She's presented at numerous conferences, had her research published in notable journals, is preparing several manuscripts, and has led and conducted a number of important psychological studies. She is a leader in the classroom, in the lab, and in the community." Her story and her accomplishments are compelling, truly a story of triumph over adversity.