Mobile First Perspective
Mobile access via an app or responsive website is becoming the default means of accessing information & services. Across the university, departments are looking at mobile apps and hosted services, often with an eye to their own relationships with students. The CSUSM Mobile App will serve as a common university-wide platform and a mobile strategy should be part of every conversation related to new campus systems and online services.
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Personal communication via mobile device
- Mobile discount cards
- Digital ID
- Better integration with campus and community resources through mobile device
- Hard line phone going to mobile - soft phone that moves with the user
Campus Connection
- Prospective students and Community - makes the campus accessible with the touch of a button - provides information, access to online services, and serves as an essential point of connection to the campus
- Accessible Technology
Initiative (ATI): using mobile devices and technology in a
universally designed way to deliver programs, services, and activities to all students, staff, faculty and the community - Mobile wayfinding app to provide relevant location-based content to students
- Cougars Affordable Learning Materials (CALM) - affordable learning solutions & materials
- Mobile advising
- Name chosen by user
- Follows you while you're
at CSUSM - Flexible
- Like "Siri" but it learns you
What is IITS already doing related to Mobile First Perspective?
- CSUSM App - Modo Mobile Platform - offering service and transactional functions that will make students' lives easier
- PeopleSoft - MyCSUSM available to students using GreyHeller on mobile devices
- Responsive Website Design - provide CSUSM users with an optimal viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Mobile First Perspective?
- Students
- Faculty
- Identity management
- Network
- Information Security
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Mobile First Perspective surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- WiFi bandwith and coverage for more users/services
- Internal resource security
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Mobile First Perspective needs, if adopted?
- Wifi
- Need to shift meet accessibility standards
- Converting existing systems to be mobile ready
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Mobile Application (mobile ready sites)
- Security (issue)
- Online resources
- Books
- Reports - dashboards
- Mobile payments
- Concerned about 'convenience fees'
- AR in the Classroom
- Ability to report issues through app (example: facilities) technology help