The connected world in which the university operates is quickly moving to provide custom interactive experiences utilizing personal data collected from any and all available data and infrastructure systems to build a unique and personal profile. In higher education, students expect universities to provide services uniquely for them, based on their academic and service needs. At CSUSM, this personalization profile will be used to help guide students in their progress to degree, support advising, and bring appropriate assistance. From providing real-time relevant information (i.e. where is a parking spot?), to progress-to-degree (i.e. continued adoption of Degree Planner - Degree, Set, Go), to intrusive advising (i.e. campus data indicators highlighting students in need of assistance/services). Personalization also opens up the issues around privacy. This kind of privacy issue is an emerging area which must be monitored.
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Dynamic Feedback: Targeted communications to users. Users control and maintain ownership of content and can select privacy/sharing options.
- The Interconnected University: Provides awareness of relevant events, social opportunities, and connects to others on campus.
- Your Personal Advisor: Gives personalized nudges based on academics and campus involvement. This tools would guide, intervene and invite students to seek help when at risk. Would feature gamification.
- Cultural Connections: Students come to CSUSM to socialize and connect with others. By connecting people to their peers Peer Advising enhances the academic experience. Future advising will be gender neutral and make predictions for undergrad students' success.
Campus Connection
Academic Excellence
- 1.1 Ensure a personal student centered learning environment
- 1.5 Support faculty research, creative activities and development
- 1.6 Integrate appropriate innovative technology through out the academic experience
- 1.7 Provide academic and student services support for student retention, success and graduation
Student Life
- 2.1 Engage and support first year students to improve retention and connectedness
- 2.2 Promote co-curricular activities and events to maximize student education, development, and wellness
- 2.3 Offer seamless services and single contact points for student services
Campus Climate
- 3.1 Enable a sense of ownership
and pride through active engagement and collegiality - 3.2 Deliver service-oriented and efficient administrative processes
- 3.3 Demonstrate commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability
Educational Equity
- 5.4 Strengthen programming for students, faculty, and staff that promotes a culture open to diversity and equity issues and attainment
- 5.5 Provide equal access to technology and information
What is IITS already doing related to personalization?
- Degree Planner - interactive online tool for students which displays recommended course sequence using information from the student record.
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about personalization?
- Business Intelligence
- Information Security
- Web services
- Office of Communications
- Identity Management
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if personalization surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Machine learning
- Identity Management
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet personalization needs, if adopted?
- Different age groups may want different levels of personalization etc
- 2 types:
- 1) based on data the person gives
- 2) based on other data for that student
- personalization requires careful attention to security
- breaking down silos of data
- athletics/arts trigger different ticketing systems
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Security/privacy
- SPAM - over saturation
- Constrictive
- Poor fitting/misguidance
- Echo chamber (like what happens in social media)