Software As a Service (SaaS)
As we increase use of "SaaS" to operate the campus business processes, the data we create and use will not be stored on campus systems. We must work to ensure that we can and do adequately secure our data. As we become more data driven in our decision-making, we must interact with a number of "islands" of information which may be difficult to access and extract. Many initiatives will require the consolidation and acquisition of dispersed campus data sources to provide new insights.
- Out of the box solutions - fast adoption of specialized and targeted services
- Hosted off-premises with limited customization in support of efficient management
- Always current methodology for providing services
- Challenged to provide a unified experience from a growing number of unrelated systems
- Data created and used will not be stored on campus systems – how to we ensure it is protected
- Data driven in our decision-making requires the consolidation of a growing number of "islands" of information
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Internet of Things (IOT)
- Integration framework
- Software as a Service
- Project Management- Change
management - adapt to changes to internal or external forces brought on by IT projects - Governance
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Security
- Management of Values (MoV)
- SaaS - support and vetting
- Micro SaaS - how to support providers of micro SaaS?
Campus Connection
- Service oriented
- Nimbleness
- Campus Climate efficient admin systems
- Potential Cost benefits easier to role out rather than build.
What is IITS already doing related to Software as a Service?
- Hobson's, Maxient, Accudemia, Office 365, Canvas are a few examples
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Software as a Service?
- Campus end users
- Identity Management
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Software as a Service surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- May require additional staffing
- Create better communications to end users through project management
- Who owns the data in a SaaS world? Need data governance
- Change Manangement
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Software as a Service needs, if adopted?
- Systems Integration expertise
- Need a Service Catalog
- Requirements are dynamic and that impacts support
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- What they hear in the news
- Quick turn around speed
- Real world tools
- Best of breed tools
- Innovations team