Strategic Alliances
- As part of the CSU, San Marcos is connected to the larger system and Higher-Ed communities within California as well as nation/world-wide
- Connected with others – system and other groups/communities
- Collaboration and adoption of best practices within and across campuses
- Shared services will add efficiencies and help CSUSM respond and provide services beyond fiscal/personnel/technical capabilities
- Common Purchasing
- Develop alliances at all levels for fiscal and operational reasons
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Shared Services: Commonality & sharing people, services, costs, expertise, CMS,
Solutions Catalog - Collaboration Across System: Facilitating
Common Source of
Knowledge (all over) - Common Purchasing MEAs: Need more common
purchasing - Shared Capacity & Services: with or campuses TAM an example Cloud VOIP.
Campus Connection
- System Groups - NTA, STA, ISAC, ATI
- Shared Services such as PeopleSoft/Liason, Cloud Strategy, MEA, Excibris, Skillport, S4
- Information such as Tableau, Data
- Best Practices such as e.g. Chico ATI Matrix, Now Micro - seem/Win 10, System Training, Degree Planner
What is IITS already doing related to Strategic Alliances?
- STA, NTA, ISAC engagement, TAM w/ Humboldt & Fresno, Save MEAs, NTA, Fresno Consulting Tableau
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Strategic Alliances?
- Purchasing @CSUSM
- Actively engaged w/ system groups (NTA, SSA,TAC)
- Chancellor's Office
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Strategic Alliances surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Central Repository of MEA, <-Build up need more/common
vendors - Budget system funding like NTA
- Sharing Information
- Openess to adapt other methods
- Don't have to control it all here
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Strategic Alliances needs, if adopted?
- Existing investments in CSUSM technologies
- Finding champions & keeping collaboration going
- Interest in finding budget savings
- Siloed - frame of mind
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Cost saving
- Breaking down ORs barriers
- Reliability
- Expertise - "Expert-Exchange"
- Reduced duplication
- Portability Services