Breaking Down Silos
Big Ideas (3-5 years)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - all divisions and units
- Strategic Purchasing
- Strategy shared purchases
- Strategy for sharing what we own
- Unified Office Productivity Tools Half of Cougars in Google half in Office 365 -i.e. SharePoint, Google Hangout
- System/CSU such as Positions Breakdown your roles, not just a Network
- Engagement in Adverting Services, Sharing Info, Plan to "sell", Unify plans, Liaison to departments
Campus Connection
- PeopleSoft, CSU System, Campus,
departmental, personal, constituations & student & alumni - Information & Data Communication, data, org, systems, documentation
- Processes & Methods
- Maximizing Value
What is IITS already doing related to Focus on Breaking Down Silos?
- Visiting College/Division
- Salesforce RFP
- Participate CSU System Group
Who else might we need to bring into a conversation about Focus on Breaking Down Silos?
- The whole campus
- Faculty to figure things out
- The President & EC
What may need to be expanded in terms of services, systems, etc. if Focus on Breaking Down Silos surfaces as a key area of focus from campus stakeholders?
- Cross-divisional/cross dept systems
- System purchases for community
- Governance-Data, Purchases
- Change management
- Publicity streamlining processes
What are our internal assets and challenges to meet Focus on Breaking Down Silos needs, if adopted?
- Who owns it?
- Do we already own the system others need e.s. Qualtrics
- Integration a challenge
- Islands of Information
- This needs to come before other trades
What are people asking for? What issues are IITS aware of?
- Visibility & access to data, processes
- Don't ever know where all the silos are
- Fear over loss of control
- Who can see my data
- Illuminating data we have
- data catalog
- Awareness - don't know what exists don't know other people