Direct Deposit Program
The Direct Deposit Program allows for the automatic deposit of your net earnings in to a checking or savings account at the financial institution of your choice. Only one account at a single financial institution may be used for direct deposit enrollees. Payments are transmitted from the State Controller's Office in Sacramento to the financial institution you select.
Direct Deposit Program Enrollment Guidelines
- Cal Employee Connect (CEC) now offers employees the the ability to enroll in direct deposit or change their current direct deposit information directly through the CEC website.
- To sign up for direct deposit you must've received their first paycheck and be registered for California Employee Connect. Step-by-step CEC/Direct Deposit Registration Instructions
Enroll or Change Direct Deposit
To Enroll or make changes to your Direct Deposit:
- Register for a CEC account
- Enable MFA
- Enroll in Direct Deposit
For more detailed instructions, follow the step-by-step CEC Registration/Direct Deposit Guide.
*To access this feature remotely, employees must first log in through VPN. If you do not have Global Protect installed, please follow these instructions: Global Protect Install Instructions
- To cancel direct deposit, please notify payroll@csusm.edu immediately.
- There is no specific enrollment period for direct deposit. You may sign up or cancel direct deposit at any time however, timing of enrollments, changes and cancellations may have an impact on your current month’s payment. If any action taken by the employee results in a non-acceptance of a direct deposit by the designated financial institution, the employee accepts all responsibility and understands that the State Controller’s Office and CSU San Marcos assume no responsibility.
Availability of Funds
Funds should be available to employees on the first banking day after the end of the pay period. For example, if the pay period ends on Thursday, your funds should be deposited and available on Friday. If the pay period ends on Friday, a weekend, or a holiday, your funds should be posted to your account on the next available banking day. Saturday is not considered an official banking day for the purpose of posting funds to employee accounts. Refer to the Payroll Schedule and Holiday Calendar for Direct Deposit posting dates. While most financial institutions post funds to accounts at the beginning of the bank business day, this is not a universal practice. Some institutions post funds in the afternoon. It is strongly recommended that you check with your financial institution to determine when your funds will be available.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email CSUSM Payroll Services at payroll@csusm.edu or call Payroll at 760-750-4421.