Payroll FAQs
- How do I access Employee Self Service?
- Who has access to Employee Self Service? Are employees required to use this application?All active staff, faculty, and student employees have access to Employee Self Service and are encouraged to use it. Employees are able to view and update personal information such as home address or emergency contact information, report absences and view leave balances.
- How secure is my information? Can anyone else see my personal information?Your information is very secure. Only you and selected Human Resources and Payroll staff have access to your personal information. Do not share your user ID and password.
- How do I update my personal information? If I move during the year how do I update
my address?Currently you can update your address, phone numbers, and emergency contact information online using PeopleSoft Employee Self Service. The University uses your “home” address for your W-2 and other official payroll communication. To change your name or update your degree information, contact Human Resources at extension 4418 or Payroll Services at extension 4421.
- How much do I get paid and how do I calculate my net (take-home) pay?
Confirm your gross monthly salary in your appointment letter then download the Paycheck Calculator spreadsheet to calculate the impact of taxes and deductions on your pay warrant. If you need assistance setting up your information on the paycheck calculator please contact Payroll Services at 760-750-4421.
- What is a pay warrant?Most employees call it a paycheck but the official name of your pay check is a pay warrant. Payroll warrants are not produced on campus; they are issued from the State Controller's Office (SCO) in Sacramento; then they are sent via courier to the campus for distribution.
- How often am I paid?Regular faculty and staff are paid at the end of the month; student assistants, special categories and all additional pay (intermittent hourly, special consultants, shift differential, stipends, overtime, etc.) are paid on the 15th following the close of the pay period. Refer to the Payroll website for specific paydays at: calendars
- Where do I pick up my warrant/direct deposit notice?Pay warrants and direct deposit notices are distributed through Student Financial Services in the Cashier’s Office. Most departments have an assigned Designated Department Representative (DDR) that picks up and distributes pay warrants for all employees. Employees should contact their department representative to obtain information on paycheck distribution procedures for your department.
- How do I sign up for, change, or cancel my direct deposit enrollment?To sign up or change direct deposit, please register for a Cal Employee Connect account and review the Direct Deposit Program Instructions.To cancel direct deposit, please notify payroll@csusm.edu immediately.
- When will my direct deposit funds be posted to my account?Regular monthly employees are paid on the last day of the pay period. Your funds will be available to you on the first banking day after the end of the pay period. For example, if the pay period ends on Thursday, your funds should be deposited and available on Friday. If the pay period ends on Friday, a weekend, or a holiday, your funds will be posted to your account on the next available banking day. For specific dates, please visit Pay and Deposit Posting Dates.
- Why do some employees on Direct Deposit have their money earlier than others?Some institutions post funds to accounts at the beginning of the bank business day, this is not a universal practice. Other institutions post funds in the afternoon instead of the morning. It is strongly recommended that you check with your financial institution to determine when your funds will be available.
- How long is my pay warrant/paycheck valid?Pay warrants are valid for one year from the date of issue. When you receive a check, you should cash or deposit it as soon as possible.
- I've lost or destroyed my pay warrant, what should I do?Contact Payroll Services at 760-750-4421 immediately. We will place a stop payment on the warrant but will need your signature to do so. Please note that it takes two to three weeks for the State Controller's Office to re-issue a lost or destroyed warrant.
- How can I obtain a duplicate W-2?
W-2's are mailed to your home address on or before January 30th of each year. If you do not receive your W-2 by the end of February, you should contact Payroll Services at extension 4421.
Duplicate W-2 forms are not retained locally at CSU San Marcos, in the event you lose your W-2, or require a duplicate copy for another reason a printout of information containing on your W-2 information can be obtained by contacting Payroll Services at extension 4421. An actual duplicate W-2 Form can be ordered through the State Controller’s Office at a cost of $8.50 per duplicate by contacting Payroll Services at extension 4421.
- How do I request a refund of the retirement contributions I made to the (PST) Part-Time,
Seasonal, Temporary Retirement Plan?You are eligible for a distribution after you separate from all State employment. Your eligibility will be verified before payment is issued. For more information on withdrawing your contributions contact the Savings Plus Program at (855) 616-4776