Absence Management
Docks in Payroll
Docks must be reported online immediately. Please email payroll@csusm.edu if you have insufficient leave credits and need to report dock.
Absence Management is the CSU’s leave reporting and absence management system. Absence Management is a cost-effective and efficient system offering the following features:
- 24/7 real-time access with up-to-date leave balances and leave usage information.
- Personalized, user friendly self-service reporting and approval pages that are simple to learn and use.
- Instant leave time validation which ensures employees’ time is submitted accurately.
- Managers can easily review employee absences and available leave balances.
Absence Management FAQs
- How much vacation and sick leave do I accrue each month?Vacation and sick leave accruals are determined by the type of position you hold with the university, as well as your status (full-time, part-time, hourly, etc). You can login to MyCSUSM and access PeopleSoft Self Service to view your leave balances.
- What do I do if I don't have enough leave balances to cover my time off?You must first exhaust all eligible leave balances and report "DOCK" in myCSUSM and notify your manager and payroll@csusm.edu as soon as possible. Failure to report DOCK time timely may result in an overpayment and an accounts receivable may be established to recover the amount due.
- When does my vacation and sick leave accrual increase?See your Collective Bargaining Agreement (Vacation Article) for more information on accrual rate increases.
- Do I lose my vacation if I don't use it in the current year? What about CTO and sick
leave?There are limits on the number of vacation and CTO hours employees can carry over into the next calendar year. There is no limit on sick leave. Please see your Collective Bargaining Agreement for information on these limits.
Absence Management Self Service
- How Do I access Employee Self Service?
- Process Overview
Process Overview Step 1: Employee Step 2: Timekeeper Step 3: Manager/Lead Step 4: Payroll Enter absences through Portal account Review absences through Manager Self Service in PeopleSoft MPP approves absences through Portal Account Payroll finalizes absences - Instructions for Employee Self Service
- Instructions for Manager Self Service
- Instructions for Timekeepers
- Instructions for Faculty
*NOTE: Faculty may choose to participate and enter absences into Self-Service.
- Alternate Work Schedules