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Verne Walter Fund

Application for the Verne Walter Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Background:  Dr. Verne Walter, a psychologist from Vista who died in 2005, devoted his life to helping people choose career and life paths that are fulfilling and successful.  He developed a personal career planning report, the PCDP (Personal Career Development Profile), which is based on a widely used measure of personality, the 16 PF.  This tool has been used for many years by career counselors and human resource personnel to help people define their strengths, interests, and hidden talents. Dr. Walter established this undergraduate research scholarship in 1998 to aid psychology undergraduates in their research endeavors.  Monies from this fund can be used to help defray students’ costs for travel to research conferences where they will present a paper or poster. Currently scholarships range from $50 to $100 each.

  • Timelines:  Applications are accepted throughout the year. Half the available funds are reserved for each semester. Submit applications as soon as possible after your conference presentation is accepted
  • Process: Applications must be endorsed by the student’s research advisor. Applications will be reviewed by a faculty committee. Students may apply for future travel; however, if the student’s research is not accepted for presentation at the conference, the funds will be withdrawn and given to the student who is next on the list.

Students who work on research funded by grants are not permitted to apply for these funds if the travel can be covered through the grant.

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