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General Statistics Information

This page contains links to other websites that offer general information or overviews about statistics.  These links also contain the home pages/indexes of pages listed throughout the Statistics Help website.  These are included so you may explore them on your own.  If you want more guidance please return to the main help page and click on a specific topic.

  • Wadsworth/Cengage Learning: A higher education partner website, includes workshops for statistics and research methods.
  • Stat Pages: A website containing 600+ links to other sites that provide free information, calculators, statistical software, etc.
  • HyperStat: An online stats textbook by David Lane.  David Lane is an associate professor of psychology and statistics at Rice University.
  • VassarStats: A website by Vassar College professors which includes explanations of statistical procedures, as well as calculators and tools.  Also links to a textbook companion site.
  • MeanDeviation: Tutorials and demonstrations by Alan Dix (a computing professor at Lancaster University).
  • WINKS: A software website (Texasoft) that offers free statistics tutorials.
  • WebStat: A website by the University of New England which includes statistics tutorials (requires Shockwave or Flash).
  • Statistics to Use: A website that provides links to statistical calculators.