This page contains links to information on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). ANOVA is appropriate when you have independent variables or subject variables that put participants into groups and a dependent variable that is continuous.
- Wadsworth/Cengage Learning: A higher education partner website, includes workshops for statistics and research methods.
- HyperStat: An online stats textbook by David Lane. David Lane is an associate professor of psychology and statistics at Rice University.
- VassarStats: A website by Vassar College professors which includes explanations of statistical
procedures, as well as calculators and tools. Also links to a textbook companion
- Go to VassarStats and use the left hand navigation bar to get to ANOVA.
- Stat Pages: A website containing 600+ links to other sites that provide free information, calculators, statistical software, etc.
- WINKS: A software website (Texasoft) that offers free statistics tutorials.
- WebStat: A website by the University of New England which includes statistics tutorials (requires Shockwave or Flash)
- Statistics to Use: A website that provides links to statistical calculators.
- Rice Virtual Statistics Lab: A website that contains links to on-line books, tutorials and demonstrations
- Youtube Video: How to run a ONEWAY ANOVA (1)
- Youtube Video: Post-hoc tests
- Youtube Video: How to run a ONEWAY ANOVA (2)
- Youtube Video: How to run a Two-way ANOVA (1)
- How to run a Two-way ANOVA (2)