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Special thanks to the ArtsEdSearch research database, a project of the Arts Education Partnership

ART=OPPORTUNITY is a campaign started in San Diego County, funded by a grant from the Stuart Foundation, and highlighting arts literacy as vital to student success. Arts Education matters for “every child, not just mine.”

WHY: Arts literate students make a difference in our community. Literacy is more than being able to read word-based texts. Our 21st century life is filled with visual symbols we read and interpret on a daily basis from apps on our smart phones to signs on the road. The visual and performing arts are texts we read and interpret giving us insight into culture and history as well as a forum to communicate our humanity. Students who are arts literate have more opportunities than those who do not when it comes to getting a good job, making a difference in society, and attaining an exemplary education.

Click on our posters below for citations and links to our research.

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Students consistently test higher in reading and math

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Students consistently show deep critical thinking skills

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Students have significantly BETTER attendance rates

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Students are more engaged and motivated

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Students are more likely to pursue and succeed in post-secondary education

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Art stimulates the development of the young brain

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Art builds creative and innovative students who can think outside the box

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Art encourages risk-taking and flexibility

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Art strengthens students' ability to cooperate, collaborate and problem solve

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Art develops in-demand employees with high career goals

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Art cultivates tomorrow's leaders

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Art gives students a VOICE in learning and telling their stories

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Art develops empathy, kindness and cross-cultural understanding

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Art nurtures hope and resiliency 

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Art leads to civic engagement and lifelong arts participation

Who are among the Leaders in Arts Education in San Diego and the state?

San Diego is rich with arts education advocates, providers, and supporters. We aim support the work of numerous organizations already in existence including:

  • San Diego County Office of Education: Arts Empower – A coalition of nonprofit arts education organizations and school districts to champion strategic planning at the district level for K-12 sequential-based arts education. 
  • San Diego County Office of Education with Arts For Learning: AERO (Arts Education Resource Organization) AERO San Diego is a community of arts organizations that collaborate to provide resources for educators, arts organizations and artists to ensure an arts-inclusive curriculum for San Diego County students.
  • California Alliance for Arts Education – statewide advocacy for quality, equitable and accessible arts education for all K-12 public school students.
  • CREATE CA - statewide cross-sector arts education coalition to convene, coordinate, communicate and connect around arts education issues.

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