Andrew Spieldenner, Ph.D. (2017)
Associate Professor of Communication
Phone : (760) 750- 8205
Office : SBSB 2104
Phone : (760) 750- 8205
Office : SBSB 2104
Andrew Spieldenner (Ph.D., Howard University) is a community-engaged researcher who maintains a high level of service in the HIV community. He came to CSUSM after having been an Assistant Professor at Hofstra University. Prior to entering academia, he worked for two decades at several non-profit and government organizations including the Latino Commission on AIDS, Black AIDS Institute and the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. He currently serves as Vice-Chair of the US People Living with HIV Caucus.
Dr. Spieldenner’s research has developed into three primary paths: centering the experiences of people living with HIV, critical communication pedagogy, and cultural studies. He is concerned with ways that we understand and experience community, disability, sexuality and culture. He situates his work within several historical movements and events, including gay and lesbian liberation, feminist health movements, civil rights organizing in the United States, and the HIV epidemic.
Basu, A., Spieldenner, A. R. & Dillon, P. J. (Editors) (2021). Post-AIDS discourse in health communication: Sociocultural interpretations. New York, NY: Routledge.
Spieldenner, A. R. & Toyosaki, S. (Editors) (2020). Intercultural health communication. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publications.
Spieldenner, A. R. (Editor) (2019). Special Forum: Considering the Queer Disabled/Debilitated Body. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 6(3).
Spieldenner, A. R. & Johnson, J. (2021). The subjects of impolite conversation: Towards queer and trans politics of pleasure. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking.
Spieldenner, A. R. & Hawkins, D. (2020). Queerying race, culture and sex: Examining HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) discourses for Black and Latino gay and bisexual men, in S. Eguchi and B. Calafell (Eds.), Queer intercultural communication: The intersectional politics of belonging in and across differences (p. 195-215). New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.
Spieldenner, A. R. & Booker, J. (2020). The queer act of talking sex: Pedagogical challenges in a communication course on pornography, in A. Atay and S. L. Pensoneau-Conway (Eds.), Queer communication pedagogy (p. 151-165). New York, NY: Routledge.
Spieldenner, A. R. (2019). Object lessons: Using trans porn in class to explore gender fluidity. Communication Teacher, 33(3), 215-220.
Spieldenner, A. R., Sprague, L, Hampton, A., Smith-Davis, M., Peavy, D., Bagchi, A., Cardell, B., Johnson, V., Brown, G. & Brewer, R. (2019). From consumer to community-based researcher: Lessons from the PLHIV Stigma Index, in P. Kellett (Ed.), Narrating patienthood: Engaging diverse voices on health, communication, and the patient experience (p. 151-166). New York, NY: Lexington Press.
Spieldenner, A.R. (2017). Infectious sex?: An autoethnographic exploration of HIV prevention. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 4(1), 121-129. Special issue on Queer Autoethnography, Adams, T. and Bolen, D. (Eds.)
Spieldenner, A. R. & Anadolis, E. (2017). Bodies of dis-ease: Towards the re-conception of “health” in health communication, in M. S. Jeffress (Ed.), Pedagogy, disability and communication: Applying disability studies in the classroom (p. 97-110). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Spieldenner, A. R. (2014). Statement of ownership: An autoethnography of living with HIV. Journal of Men’s Studies, 22(1), 12-27.