Allergens FAQ
- Does Campus Way Cafe have menus with nutritional facts?Yes. Not only do the menus have the nutritional facts, they also show if the dishes contain any of the nine major food allergens.
- What are the nine major food allergens?Milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame.
- What if the student has an allergy that isn't part of the major nine?
Student and guest in Campus Way Cafe can always talk to the chef at each station to let them know of any dietary concerns. On extreme circumstances, the student or guest can reach out to Chef Robert Garrity at robert.garrity@sodexo.com to have a meeting on how to orchestrate the best meal plan possible.
If you're eating at any of the retail locations in the USU, let them know your dietary restrictions and they'll give the options.
- Is the Campus Way Cafe kitchen gluten-free?No, the kitchen is not entirely gluten-free. Although, if a student or guest cannot consume gluten, they can meet with Chef Robert Garrity at robert.garrity@sodexo.com on the methods we can serve the student or guest. Campus Way Cafe has certain equipment and utensil that are meant to gluten-free meals and they're ready to use.
- Is the Campus Way Cafe kitchen vegan?No, the kitchen is not completely vegan. The kitchen uses animal products throughout the kitchen. Our Sprouts Station is vegan/vegetarian. That station will always have either vegan or vegetarian options, but many of the other stations have a vegan or vegetarian option. Always feel free to ask about the options we have.
- Do the retail locations in the USU display allergen information?Yes! The items will inform guests if the meals are vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free.
- What if the student or guest has an extreme allergen that needs special attention?Do not worry. We know that every student may have a unique allergen and we're here to help! Let's set up a meeting to make the most out of your meal plan. We can ensure that your allergen is intricately take care of. Please email either the General Manager Paul Reardon at preardon@csusm.edu or Executive Chef Robert Garrity at robert.garrity@sodexo.com to schedule a meeting.