Phone: (760) 750-4935
Fax: (760) 750-3387
Administrative Building, 1200
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Closed weekends and University holidays
2024 Holiday Observances
Mailing Address
California State University San Marcos
Dean of Students Office, ADM 1200
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096
Fax: (760) 750-3387
Administrative Building, 1200
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Closed weekends and University holidays
2024 Holiday Observances
Mailing Address
California State University San Marcos
Dean of Students Office, ADM 1200
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096

Formal Hearing FAQ's
- What is the difference between a disciplinary conference and a formal hearing?
The initial meeting with the Student Conduct Administrator serves as the disciplinary conference. The majority of cases are resolved during this initial meeting. A formal hearing may be scheduled under any of the following circumstances:
- the student does not agree with the decision or outcome of the Disciplinary Conference or;
- the student fails to make an appointment or otherwise respond to the Student Conduct Administrator
Regardless of a student's plans to attend CSUSM in the future (for example, if a student is academically disqualified in the midst of the student conduct process), an outcome must still be decided on. If a student is not enrolled, the conduct process will progress as appropriate.
- Can I have an advisor attend the formal hearing and what is their role?Yes, you may ask another person to serve as an advisor during the formal hearing. An advisor is there to provide the student with support, however, may not speak on the student’s behalf. If you invite another person into the hearing you are providing authorization for that person to hear information about the allegation. To learn more about the role of the advisor, review CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures, Article III, Section B (Advisors).
- Can I have an attorney represent me for the disciplinary conference or formal hearing?Under current University policy, the advisor may not be an attorney except in cases where expulsion is a proposed sanction. However, nothing precludes you from consulting with an attorney prior to the disciplinary conference. Students are encouraged to review Article III, Section D (Attorneys) of CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures to learn more about the role of attorneys in the Student Conduct process.
- How do I prepare for a formal hearing?In preparation for the formal hearing, you are encouraged to review CSU Systemwide Student Conduct Procedures, Article IV, Section H (Hearing on Sanctions).
- What is considered evidence?Documents provided by the student and/or testimony that witnesses can provide that are relevant to the case.
- What if I change my mind & I want to accept the recommendations that was offered?At any time before or during the hearing, you may decide to accept the sanctions offered from the Resolution Agreement.
- Am I found automatically responsible if I miss the hearing?The hearing will continue as scheduled and the Hearing Officer will make a decision based on the evidence presented. The Hearing Officer makes a recommendation to the CSUSM President's designee (Vice President of Student Affairs) who then makes the final decision.
- Can I appeal if I don’t agree with the outcome of the formal hearing?You cannot appeal the outcome of the formal hearing. The decision from the CSUSM President is final. For cases involving a violation of Executive Order 1097, students have the option to file an appeal to the CSU Chancellor’s Office.